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Y/N's POV:

"Never being good enough."

I closed my eyes for a little bit and breathed in, all to prevent myself from breaking down. Each and every single word that he said was like a shot to the heart. I knew that he had liked me, but never this much. I didn't know I meant this much to him. I didn't know he ever felt this way. Before I could say anything, I heard footsteps running up the stairs. Who the hell? Ethan and I both looked at each other.

"Y/n, is there anyone else in the house?" Ethan asked me quickly. "I-I don't know." I said frantically. I looked around for something to grab as a possible weapon. Just in case I had to use it against someone.

"Y/N! ETHAN!" I stopped in my tracks. I recognized that voice. Cameron? She was back already? That means that she found Grayson. I looked at Ethan both confused and worried. "In here." He said without breaking eye contact. I turned and saw a breathless Cameron in the doorway of the bedroom that we were in.

"You guys need to come downstairs NOW." She said emphasizing the word 'now'. Cameron hurried back out with Ethan and I following not far behind. I walked down the stairs and to the living room all three of us went.

That's when I saw him. Grayson. He was sitting on the couch, hand wrapped in a towel. Head was also down looking at the floor. Even without him looking at me directly, I could tell the state he was in.

"What the hell happened to you?" I said shocked as I knelt down in front of him. He looked up at me, a swollen eye was now an accessory on his face. "What the hell happened Grayson?" I asked again.

"Um..." he started to say. "I think you better get yourself a drink." Cameron said placing a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to her confused. "What?" I was so confused. What did she mean by, 'get yourself a drink'?

I stood up and looked at Cameron again. "What are you talking about Cameron?" I asked her once again, no answer. "Grayson?" I looked at him just wanting answers. I needed them. "Can someone just fucking tell me what is going on?!" I shouted looking at the both of them.

"I found Daniel." Grayson said. My stomach dropped. "Don't tell me you killed him?" I asked him. He scoffed, "No, but I should have." What?

"Grayson, what do you mean should have? What happened?" Ethan asked walking closer to Grayson. "What do you mean man?" He repeated.

"He was with someone when I saw him." He said. "Of course he is. He was out on shift. He's with some guys at the stat-"

"No Y/n, that's not really what we meant..." Cameron said interrupting me. Oh my god. I knew what she meant. My stomach turned into knots and my knees began to feel like jelly, "W-What do you mean?" My voice cracks.

"He was with another girl." My heart dropped. My entire world seemed to stop spinning. "He was sleeping with another woman." I looked at them all as they waited for a response from me. I didn't know what to give them.

"Who was he with?" I asked choking down my tears. "Don't tell her." Grayson said. Cameron shook her head. "No, I've got to tell her." She said.

"Just tell me already." I said growing impatient by the minute. "Was it with someone I knew? A stranger?" I asked wanting answers. I knew it didn't matter the answer. I would still be broken even more. The man I loved was cheating on me.

"Someone you k-" Grayson said. "It was Jess..." Cameron interrupted him. My heart dropped. Jess? London's assistant? My very first friend that I had made when I took that job? That Jess? The Jess that I let in my goddamn house? I had spent time hanging out with her. I had many laughs with her. Shared secrets over drinks with her. I thought she was some kind of friend....

I must have been silent for too long. Everyone was fixated on me. "Y/n, say something." Grayson said still sitting on the couch, rag pressed against his knuckles. "Y/n..." Ethan said coming up beside me and snaking his hand around my waist. I flinched and moved out of his way. They all looked at me surprised.

"Please get out." I said with a straight face. "I don't thin-" Cameron began to say. "I don't care what you guys think as of right now. I could give two fucking shits. Get. Out." I emphasized again.

Cameron and Grayson looked at him shocked and were about to get up to go. "I can't leave you alone. I don't think that is the best thing for you y/n." Ethan said shaking his head. I scoffed, "No, especially you." I said as I held the front door open.

"Wait? Why especially you?" Cameron looked confused. "Just get out Cam. All of you. I need to be alone." I sighed. They were all halfway out the door. "I'm sure your asshat of a brother can tell you everything." I said emotionless then closing the door behind them.

I was alone. Alone in our house. Correction, my house. Everything reminded me of him. The colors on the wall, the decorations that he picked out, the pictures from our adventures. I grabbed the garbage bin and put it by my side. I stood in front of the wall that had almost all of our pictures of it.

I looked at each of them, one by one. I grabbed the picture we took on our first vacation to Hawaii. I looked happy as I was carried bridal style. I dropped it in the bin. The photo of the day that he engaged me stared into my soul as I stood there. I grabbed that one next and threw it in the trash can. I could hear the glass shattering from the frame with each and every addition I made to the garbage bin.

Six years I've spent with him. Six years I have been with him. I've spent my life saying that he was the love of my life. I've spent my life dedicated to that man. I've slept in the same bad as him for almost all of those six years. The only questions I had was: How long? Was it in our bed? Why?

And the most important one: How fast can I leave his ass?


Hey guys!! I hope all is well! I hope you're enjoying Man From Above as much as I am writing it! I hope this chapter was good!

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