Rage the Limit: part 2 [Side-Story]

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-3rd POV-


a random scream echo throughout the castle. Pity that dude.

People from everywhere in the castle were running for their lives. A few minutes ago, Ryuji shouted for everyone to run through the speaker but no one did as told since everything Seems fine.

Ryuji went to the source, turns out someone didn't follow the three golden rules and entered Naruto's Room permission to serve and without a Member from the Special Teams. The poor guy was injured to the extent that he couldn't move, luckly some passer-by alert Ryuji who was near.

LawSeekers were 'battleing' their Boss in the room and God it was spacious. "I WANT RAMEN!" Naruto shouted as he charge at any living thing. The people could only sweatdrop on Naruto's weird saying. "Oi! We'll get you Your Ramen so quit destroying everything!" Some brave soul shouted. Somehow calming down Naruto.


"Destroy means.....MORE PAPERWORK?!?!" Naruto once again thinking about the horror of those immortals papers. "Calm down! I've already told Kurama to do those" Ryuji shouted.

Naruto just stood there, making the Team nervous. "Kurama you say?" Naruto asked in his demonic voice, his bang covering his eyes. He started to laugh, I wonder why. "All The More Reason To Crash The Place!" Naruto started shifting his attention on the room, destroying the walls and everything he sees.

Thus, More then half the castle was destroyed, with over 142 staff injured from falling objects like sofas, chairs and pianos.


Now officially, Naruto gone mad but still he considers that day the best day of his life since he gets to relieve stress plus revenge on Kurama. Damn he was happy. "I wanna Eat more Ramen~"


For the Special Team, they're just chilling out in the medical ward. Having some broken bones, nothing that big for them to handle. Ryuji and Shin who was present in the fight aren't injured since they just watching from the slide Lines eating chips. "Hope you recover soon" Ryuji said as both of them left the room "LIKE YOU EVEN CARE!"


As for Kurama, needless to say he died. Paperworks were entering his office like bullets. Though he tried to lighten the load, but more came instead. Rest in peace Kurama and may the paperworks set you free in the afterlife.


[What cha think? This side-Story just popped in my head, thought it sucks]

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