Chapter 1

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"Not long until you become Queen" my mom said.

"I know".

"Are you nervous?".

"Not really just want the wedding to be over with" I laughed.

"That is coming soon also".

"Yeah but I am ready well I think".

"Niall is a great guy and besides he is the top hunter and that is why I feel like your father likes him so much".

"I agree".

We both laughed.

Mother walked off and it was all coming so soon. I will be married then I will be crowned as Queen and I will be the ruler of wander. Wander was such a glorious place filled with such amazing people but lately the dragon problem has gotten out of control and the people are seeking help and I could tell my dad was overwhelmed and that is the only part I was nervous about. I simply did not know how to control the issue but I'm hoping with Niall ruling by my side we can control the issue and make a difference.

Since the dragon problem has increased my parents are forbidding me to leave the castle because they have to protect the heir to the throne but it's so boring to be locked up here. While we do have a big castle I get so bored being stuck inside when there is so much more to be discovered.

I know that they are just protecting me but how could I be a great Queen when I haven't discovered every thing that Wander has to offer I feel like I am missing out on so much. There was not any point in fighting against it so I went to my secret place in the castle that I think no one knows about because it is my space and I put all my little treasures I find in this one room.

My secret room is what gets me through when my parents put their rule into place where I cannot leave the castle. My secret room is only secret because it is behind a wall. One day I was in this room just exploring and hit the wall and then it opened in to another room and ever since then it was my place.

I spend so much time here just drawing and admiring everything and the one window in this room has such a great view of the land and makes this room even more perfect.

I left the room and made my way to find something to eat and settled for something little.

"There's my future Queen" Niall said.

"Aren't you supposed to be fighting some dragons or something".

"Nah they haven't been spotted so I took time off so I could come see you".

"Lucky you my parents banned me from going outside".

"Why do you think I'm here because I had a feeling that you were going to be stuck in here".

"Oh my hero".

"I try".

I smiled at him. Niall does know how to make me happy. I'm glad that he will be the king more importantly I'm glad that he is going to be married to me.

My parents were one of the outside areas looking for potential threats and Niall and I joined them.

"Didn't we tell you to not go outside?" My dad asked.

"No you told me to now leave the castle. I haven't left the castle I'm just outside but on castle grounds".

My dad shook his head "I see".

I laughed.

I was going to leave this castle one way or another but when is the question.

There was no dragons in sight but it could mean a lot of things. I just want it to mean that I can leave and explore with Niall but it won't happen. I feel bad for Niall because he is out hunting and I don't know if he will ever come back and I can't just explore with him. I know once we get married and take our roles as Queen and King everything is going to change especially for Niall. Niall is used to being free and going out whenever he wants but once he takes that King role he will be accompanied by guards all the time and can't just leave whenever.

I'm used to it but we talked about it before and he knows what he is getting into once we put those crowns on our heads. I mean he wouldn't be marrying me if he didn't want all this. He knew once we started being together and he is still here so he must really love me.

Niall left to go check in with his fellow hunters and I just went back to my room to lay there and think how I would escape and where would I go first. There is so much to explore and so many secrets that may be hidden, especially in the woods.

I had so many plans but for now it would have to wait, wedding planning was becoming more and more serious and I didn't care I just wanted it over. My mom is going overboard with the entire thing and is making sure that everything is going perfect.

I don't know how Niall actually feels because we haven't really talked about the over doing of the wedding because it's more my parents more than his. Niall only has his mom around, his dad went missing when he was out on sea and nobody has seen him since. He never really talks about it I think I met his dad once but that was way before we even knew each other, our dads used to talk business all the time.

I think that is why Niall is so protective over his mom and his siblings, Niall has a brother and sister who are twins and they are so adorable. They can't wait to be apart of the royal family. I usually hate when others use that term but they are right they will be apart of the royal family soon.

Once the wedding is over they would be moving into the castle they didn't want to because they wanted to not make anything less normal but we insisted so they will be here. Niall usually stays with me but I know he waits until I fall asleep to leave and uses the excuse that he had to go hunt. I would of never think of Niall being King because when we first met he was the arrogant hunter who thought he was better than everyone, I'm glad I took the chance with him because he is not like that anymore and will make an excellent King because he knows the people of the land and knows what needs to be done. I'm glad my parents like him because if they didn't then they would of probably forced me into marriage.

As much as I did not care for this large wedding I knew it would be best to help out because the sooner it gets done then I wouldn't have to deal with my mom stressing so much about it. The only condition I set for the wedding that anyone who wants to come can be apart of it because I don't want anyone feeling left out. 

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