Chapter 9

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I searched the rest of the rooms on this floor but nothing came close to the book I found. I didn't know for sure if Hunter went back out hunting today, he usually doesn't if he hunts all night but maybe he wanted to because if he hunts today then he wouldn't have to go tonight. Either way I sent a messenger to get him a letter telling him that I had news. I hope he didn't go out and was somewhere in the village.

After the messenger left I just paced back and forth by the front of the castle so I can know that Hunter is coming or not.

After a while he finally came.

"Princess what is it?" He asked.

"Come with me".

I walked him to the room.

I opened the book "just watch" I told him.

I said the spell and turned into a dragon and he looked shocked.

"It gets better" I continued on.

I then said the reverse spell.

"You figured it out" he said.

"Now we don't have to rely on the lake but not anyone can use this spell. See here in the book it only says those who found the enchanted lake can use this spell. We are the only ones well as far as we know that can use the spell".

"This can change a lot because knowing we don't have to use the lake makes everything so much easier. How did you even find this book?"

"When Niall left this morning I got bored and I never come to this floor and so I finally did. Once I came into the room I just started to look through all the books and noticed one in the wall and grabbed it and just started reading. Then I came across the spell and decided to try it out and well it worked".

"That is weird that it was in a hole in the wall with the book in it. Someone obviously is trying to hide it".

"Who ever tried to obviously didn't do a very good job".

"Can I try it? I mean the spell"

"Yeah go for it but just be careful I don't want anyone to know we are in here".

He said the spell and was so happy that it worked because he must hate going to that lake all the time and I don't blame him it sucks. I think we were more happier that we don't have to use the lake to switch back.

"This is such a great thing and I love that the spell is easy to remember" he said.

"I know it changes so much. I'm so glad we don't have to use the lake to change back now because it got so annoying".

"Just remember now that we can change wherever and whenever we have to be smart about where we decide to do it".

"I know I know".

"Do you think you will be able to come out tonight?"

"I should Niall is staying with his family tonight because he never stays two nights in a row unless he has a meeting with my parents and the royal council and all that".

"Ok we don't have any scheduled soon so then it should be good to go".

"If I can where do you want to meet?".

"Do you remember how to get to the island I showed you before?"

"Yeah I will meet you there then".

I put the book back in the hole and looked around to make sure that nothing looks out of place. I don't even think anyone comes in here but it is better to be safe then sorry.

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