Chapter 2

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My parents planned a big feast for Niall's family and mine before the wedding to have one last gathering before our families form as one. I was excited for it all because it means one step closer for it to be official. We decided to include everyone who works in the castle to join and give them so time off because they work so hard. It was going to be such a glorious evening.

Since wedding planning began Niall and I haven't had so much time together, he would pop in and out of the castle but nothing like when we first were dating but after this Niall and I agreed to just walk around the castle together once this feast is all over.

Everyone started to take their seats and the food was glorious our kitchen staff was honestly the best and I'm glad they are joining us as the rest of the staff from every part of the castle.

This was going so well and I could tell his family was happy and enjoying themselves.

Ding ding ding

"I have a little speech I have prepared before the wedding festivities began" Niall stood up and said.

I was caught off guard.

Niall took a deep breath and started "I just wanted to say a big thank you to King and Queen Hale for opening their doors to me and my family and allowing me to marry your daughter, I couldn't imagine my life without her. I won't let you down. As for you Carrie, thank you for loving me and putting up with me. Thank you for accepting me for who I am and being there for me all the time. I remember the first time we officially met it was when I arrived here at this castle to add my name to the hunter list and there you were coming to ask your dad where your mom was and your dad introduced us and ever since then my life was changed. I could keep going on and on about how much you mean to me but I can't wait to be your husband and to be your prince then your king because I think It will start as a prince then once we have our official ceremony then it will be King and Queen. Carrie Hale I love you and can't wait for the next step".

I smiled and kissed him then I started to cry and everyone was clapping and I could see my mom crying. Niall totally surprised me and that was nice, he usually isn't a speech person but that was amazing. The festivities were now over and it was nice to have this moment with everyone and just come together and Niall's little brother and sister found new friends with some of the other kids who are in the castle when their parents work and it was so nice to see.

Everyone started to go back to what they do and Niall and I walked the castle together.

"That was such a nice speech you gave I was not expecting it at all" I said.

"Oh that it was nothing".

"Oh come on stop being so shy it was beautiful and it made me really happy and I am lucky to have you".

"No I'm lucky to have you".

I smiled and I just fell into his arms and just hugged him and never wanted to let him go. He kissed my forehead and I was such in awe. Even though I am not a fan of this wedding I can't wait to make all this official.

We walked hand in hand through the castle and we were discussing if we want to stay in the room where I currently am or pick a new one and honestly it was hard but there is so much more that we could be our new room together. All I know is that we are not living where my secret room is because that can cause the room to be exposed and I was not ready for that even though there is not anything to hide but it was my own little thing that is just mine.

We found one room that could work and there was nothing in it and it was huge and we could make it work.

"How about this one?" I asked Niall.

"It could work I feel like it is big enough to fit both of us and make it work with all the stuff I have and if you want to bring everything from your room now".

"Yeah that is what I was thinking and could be great for us".

"Then its settled".

I started laughing for no reason because maybe I was nervous for fully living together because the longest we spent together was maybe two nights and it worked well but this is the rest of our lives now.

I needed to stop stressing so much and whatever happens happens.

Niall said bye to everyone and was off to go hunting and I was always so nervous when he went out hunting later at night because it's dark and that is when it can get more dangerous but he always seemed to know what he was doing so I didn't worry as much but I was still worried.

I didn't know what else I wanted to do I felt like I could sleep but I wasn't too tired then I decided to go and play with the kids that were stuck in a room while there parents worked. I decided to give them a tour of the castle since they have barely seen any of it.

"Hey kids want to go explore?" I asked them.

There was only about 5 of them so it wasn't that crazy and they were behaved enough to listen. They we all so happy to leave the room and I told their parents I was taking them through the castle and they were okay with it and it was time to explore. I showed them all the displays and gave them a bit of history and they seemed to be enjoying themselves and it made me happy. It was getting late and it was time for all them to go back with their parents and I had so much fun with them.

"Princess Carrie" one of the little girls said to me.

"Hi what is it".

"My name is Demi and I just wanted to say thanks a lot for this adventure and I had fun and I can't wait for you to be Queen".

"You are so very welcome Demi" I smiled.

She smiled back and she gave me a hug and ran off to her parents.

Stuff like that makes me super happy and want to do more for the children of this land.

I went to sleep so overwhelmed with happiness and decided to hang out with the children more because they seemed to love it.

That is exactly what I did. We covered the rest of the castle and they were having so much fun and learned all their names, there was Demi, Harry, Kenzie, Zander, and Valorie. They were such kids and it is really fun showing them where their parents work.

The kids went off with their parents and I was no left with trying to figure out what I could do and i decided to start moving some stuff into where Niall and I would be living from now on. There was so much that I wanted to take but knew I shouldn't because I have this room for a reason and can leave so much and Niall is moving practically his whole life here so I knew he needed his space and this should be interesting to see how our room ends up looking.

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