Chapter 18

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Just seeing my grandmother alone made me cry. I don't think I ever saw her without grandfather.

"Carrie come here" she said and hugged me.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't be crying but just seeing you alone and not with grandfather just makes me sad".

"Hey look at me. It is okay to feel this way I miss him too we all do. Don't feel ashamed of crying it's normal, okay".

"I know but everything has just been a lot and losing grandfather just made everything more stressful".

"And once again it is okay to feel like this and be stressed out. Life is changing for you. You are on your way to becoming a wife then queen".

"Grandmother you really are the best".

"I try my darling".

Right now I didn't feel like opening up and spilling the biggest secret I have been keeping. Instead grandmother and I just spent time together. We read different books and she showed me some of her favorites.

Spending this time with her made my mood change and I was starting to feel less sad. I still do bad wanted to tell her about everything but I couldn't find the right words at the time and I probably never will.

Grandmother went and helped my mom deal with more wedding planning and I was now left alone.

"Hunter what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Niall told me the news and I just wanted to come by and make sure that you are okay".

"Yeah I'm fine just crying a lot and trying to soak it all in. Niall stayed with me last night and I wanted to come out but".

"It is alright and totally understandable. I have no new news. Only come out when your ready and besides I can try and figure all this out".

"Thank you if Niall isn't staying tonight then I will try and come".

"No rush I got things covered".


"I got to go with the hunters for a bit but if you ever need anything I'm here".

"I know I just want everything to be normal and for everyone to act normal".

"Got it".

I said bye to him and he was off. I really do have great friends and family.

I went to my secret room and just wrote on how I would tell someone, mainly my grandmother about all that has happened.

I was trying to figure out a story to start with but it was not processing.

After a while I wanted to give up and just say it out loud, make it simple and straight forward but that can be frightening.

I was causing myself to stress about something that hasn't even happened yet or is probably never going to happen because I'm simply scared.

I left and walked around the castle.

Since grandmother is here I hoped that I could talk to her about talking to my parents and see if they will let me out of the castle just for a day.

Then I started to think how my grandmother would probably side with them but with everything going on maybe she will say that it would be good for me.

I will ask her tomorrow.

Dinner wasn't that silent and there was some talking but not normal how I would want but I will take it.

"Carrie would you like to come with me to find some books in the library?" Grandmother asked me.


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