Chapter 20

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I went to my room and laid on the bed just staring at the ceiling.

Negative thoughts just kept running through my brain. I know grandmother is a very understanding person but there is still that chance she will react badly to the news.

If I had discovered all this way before or after I was already married and officially queen maybe it would be easier just to admit it to someone, I didn't though that was the thing.

I wrote in my journal and wrote how I would like to tell grandmother and it was coming along really well, the tough part was actually saying it.

I was just going to do it.

Grandmother was sitting outside and I just took a deep breath then when outside.

"Carrie would you like to sit down and join me?" She asked me.

I took another deep breath "No I better do this standing up. I have something really important to tell you and I have been trying to tell you ever since you came back to the castle".

"You can tell me and whatever it is I will keep it between us".

This was going to go really well or really badly "Uncle Victor was right about the lake and everything. I sneak out a lot at night and I found the lake and I swam in it. After I got out I felt weird and I was a dragon. Then I went searching for answers and found a spell book and now I know how to transform without using the lake. I now go out at least every night just trying to learn more about all of this. Then the other night when I was on my way back home I saw someone running through the woods and I knew I recognized him. The next day I was going through the castle and I saw Victor's painting and it was him, in the woods. I then began more research and found what you wrote about him. Ever since I have known he was alive and still running through the areas I have been trying to find out where he goes but he just vanishes. There is also this weird cabin that he keeps taking stuff from and I have been in there but don't know why he keeps going back because there is only paintings in there which I only saw".

I for some odd reason started to cry.

Grandmother stood up and hugged me "Carrie look at me. I know all about this".

I wiped my tears "what do you mean?"

She grabbed my hand and we ran into the woods.

She started to say the spell and I was shocked. She then turned into a dragon.

I was feeling so many emotions all at once.

She said the counter spell to change back and I didn't even know what to say.

"Carrie I have been wanting to tell you since I figured out that you knew the secret also" she said.

"How did you figure it out about me? I thought I was keeping a good job of keeping it secret".

"You were doing a good job keeping it. Since I also have the power to do this I also have to go out at night and use this marvelous gift. I thought you were just sneaking out at night to you know get away. I followed you one night and saw you transform and I knew I had to tell you that I know. I just wanted you to tell me".

"I don't even know what to say. I have been so scared to tell you".

"Never be scared to tell me anything. Does anyone else know?"

"No just someone else that knows about the lake and everything".

"That boy who shows up at the castle. He is also a hunter".

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