Chapter 25

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The kingdom looked beautiful as always but this time it just looked perfect. Everything was coming along perfectly.

I didn't know what I was going to do now. I wanted to go out on my own tonight but after the run in with Victor I didn't want a replay of that.

I knew Niall and his family were doing to be spending a lot of time together which means I have so much time to myself.

I should be happy but I don't know.

I walked back into the castle and decided to go see if I can find anymore letters that Victor left.

I opened the door and there Victor was.

We just stared at each other "what are you doing in here?" I asked.

"Just picking up some things that are rightfully mine".

I looked and he had the spell book along with his letters.

I tried to get the book back from him but as I was running towards him smoke appeared out of nowhere and he was gone.

This was bad very bad.

"Grandmother! Grandmother!" I yelled.

I started running around the castle until I found her.

I was out of breath.

"Carrie what is it?" She asked me.

"Victor.... he was.... in here.... he took the book along with other things".

"Carrie sit down catch your breath".

I finally did and told grandmother again.

"Victor was in here I went to see if I can find more of his letters and there he was in the room. He took the book, I tried to stop him but I just couldn't. I went towards him and there was smoke and he was gone" I said very fast.

"Oh dear that is not good. Are you alright though?"

"Yes i am fine but he has the book of spells and I haven't read a lot in the book so I don't know what is in there".

"Okay calm down we will figure this out".

"I hope so".

Grandmother tried to calm me down but I was in such a panic. Hunter isn't coming tonight and I don't want to drag grandmother along. I certainly didn't want to bring grandmother along.

"I'm coming searching tonight" grandmother said.

"I don't know. Hunter is taking the night off and I don't think it's a good idea".

"I'm not saying you need to come along but I'm going".

"I don't think I can let you go by yourself so I'm coming along".

I hope this all goes smoothly and nothing bad happens.

I walked around the castle trying to figure out how he would of got in here. There is so many possible ways he could of.

He must know the patterns of the guards and found an opening, there is no other explanation because it is still light outside and people in and out of mostly every part of the castle.

I noticed that a door was slightly opened and this door was never open, it was hardly even used. This door leads to the stables and we use the other entrance more.

I walked in and all the horses were accounted for. While I was in here I feed them and made sure they had water.

I walked to the other entrance and that door was open also.

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