Chapter 13

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While we were flying Hunter mentioned going back to the dragon cave to see if the dragon he saw was in there.

He started to fly in that direction and I honestly thought that he was joking about the whole thing but nope he decided to be stupid and was serious about going there.

Once we landed I tried and talk to him about it.

"Are you sure this is the right idea?" I asked.

"Why wouldn't it be?"

"I don't know maybe that you were chased by a dragon and it could be in there and cause something".

"I'm not forcing you to go in but I am going in".

"I can't just let you go in alone so I'm coming with".

I knew I was going to regret this decision but I could let him go alone when I know he was doing this.

Most of the dragons were sleeping and Niall said he didn't see the dragon that attacked him and we left.

I was going to call it a night so he flew with me back to the lake.

"Don't do anything stupid" I told him.

"Can't make any promises".

He flew off.

I transformed back and decided to walk back because I just felt like walking.

I noticed someone running through the woods so I hid behind the trees. I didn't know who it was, it wasn't any of the hunters.

I followed the person and he ended up going into the cabin. I waited until he came back outside and once he did he ran off. He had something with him but I have seen him before but I just didn't know where.

I was curious on what he ran off with because all I ever seen in there was paintings and he definitely didn't leave with a painting.

I went to look in the cabin and everything looked normal.

I ran back to the castle and just laid in my bed.

I defiantly seen that person before but I just didn't know where and I had no clue on what he would possible run off with from the cabin.

Add that to the list of questions that may never be answered list.

I ate with my parents and for some reason, it seems like we have been eating together more recently than before. I don't mind it but it was weird.

I walked around the castle because I know I've seen the person who was running through the woods and it had to be in this castle, since I'm not allowed to leave.

I kept walking through the castle and I couldn't figure it out. Then it came to me it was probably in the room with the paintings.

"I'm so stupid" I said to myself.

I walked into the room and was just looking at the wall and then there it was the painting of the man I saw running through the woods.

It was Uncle Victor. This means that he is still alive but what is he doing just running through the woods like that. Was that his cabin?

Now there is even more questions. I wanted to tell dad that Victor was alive and still in the kingdom but how could I? I wasn't even allowed to be outside or in the woods.

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