Chapter 29

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I decided that crying and wasting the day was not going to solve anything so I decided to get up and walk around. There were more guards than usual which is understandable but I hated it because it's more of a reminder that everything actually happened and it wasn't a nightmare.

I went to grandmother to tell her that I told Niall about her, she took it easy.

Then the more I walked around the more I got questions about if i am doing okay.

I went and sat in the outside area and didn't realize how bad the damage was.

My mom can and joined me.

"Carrie, do you still want to go through with the wedding?" She asked.

"Yeah mom. I still want to do this and besides I think we need a happy moment".

"Okay if you are sure".

"Yeah I want to do this the sooner the better".

She hugged me and left. The more people ask the more I don't want to go through this.

I wish Niall was here but I think we need time apart before we get married. Besides, it's supposed to be bad luck to see each other before the wedding.

We already have had enough bad luck these past few days how much worse can it get.

I kept a close watch on the woods because I didn't want any surprises.

"Hey Niall wanted me to come check on you" Hunter said as he walked towards me.

"Oh hi yeah I'm still fine".

"Where do you think he went?"

"I don't know and I don't want to know".

"Is it weird or better that Niall finally knows?"

"Better I guess. I just like the fact that I don't have secrets from him anymore. I'm also sorry for bringing you into all this".

"Don't apologize for that I wanted to help. It was nice knowing I wasn't alone in this weird dragon nonsense. And I meant to ask earlier did you put the book back?"

"Yeah I did. It's safe for now. I don't know what information he got but i hope it wasn't a lot".

"Crazy is the only word I can think of".

"You are right".

We laughed and it was nice to have some laughter.

We sat and watched the woods and I know it wasn't the best idea to go into the woods. I even told Hunter that he should stay away just at least for tonight because I didn't want to jeopardize anything.

He said he wouldn't and I hope that he actually kept his word.

After a while he left and I was left alone and I just sat there.

I then became hungry and went to the kitchen and I saw all the wedding food preparations.

Everything looked so perfect and I'm glad I didn't back down on it because everyone worked so hard on all this. Niall and I still have stuff to sort out but I still love him and he says he still loves me after all this stuff was revealed.

I just hope we can make this work.

Our honeymoon should be interesting because we will be alone long enough for us to talk about all this with no interruptions.

I realized that he is going to want to know where the lake is and while I do trust him I just need more time to see his intentions. I know his intentions are good but I still have my doubts.

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