Chapter 10

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I loved flying it felt like an escape. I just loved being in the clouds and off the ground. The village looked so beautiful from here and I didn't want to return home. I think Hunter felt the same way because he looked so happy being a dragon and flying.

I didn't know if he preferred to be a human or a dragon but either way he looked like he was happy that he found the secret lake.

We landed on the first island that he showed me and we just admired the view.

"Do you still use the lake or just use the spell?" I ask him.

"The lake to transform but the spell to turn back. What about you?".

"I mainly use the spell because I find it easier rather than going to the lake".

"I just like swimming in the lake but using the spell to change back is so much easier because I get close to home and just transform back. I love that I can transform right by home".

"That's risky I transform back way far from the castle because I'm so scared of being caught".

"Just got to watch but I get it the castle has many guards around. I'm surprised that you even are able to get out of the castle at night".

"I just have to be careful and I know when the shifts in guards come".

"That is good information to know".

"I feel like flying again".

"Lets go".

We decided to have a race on around the island.

While we were racing we ended up towards the woods and flew right over the hunters.

"Draggooooooonnnnnn!!!!" Someone screamed.

Hunter and I just looked at each other and we tried to fly up into the clouds to get out of sight then I got hit.

An arrow hit my wing and I was going down. Hunter quickly noticed and told me to say the spell and I did and he caught me and we were way on the other side of them.

"Are you okay. Is there any pain because I don't know how getting hurt in dragon form works" he said in a panic.

"Yeah I'm good just I have pain on the back of my shoulder".

"Can I take a look?"


He pulled my shirt down to look.

"So how bad is it?" I asked.

"Honestly it is not that bad you just have a blood everywhere but once we get water on it it won't be noticeable you'll defiantly have a small bruise and pain. Other than that no one would even know you got hit with an arrow".

"That is good and I guess being hit in dragon form has its benefits".

"It does and let's go find you some water to get that blood off of you. There is a small pond over here".

We reached the pond and the water was helping the pain with my shoulder.

"I think we better get back before they come and find us" I said.

"I will walk with you close to the castle too make sure you are safe".

"Thank you".

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