Chapter 7

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Hunter showed me more of the secrets he had acquired since finding the secret of the lake, there was so much out there. I though that it would be best for me to go back to the castle and Hunter flew back with me then went back out exploring. Too bad he doesn't know how to change back without the lake because that would save so much time.

As I was heading back to the castle I heard talking. It was the hunters and I don't know why I expected it to be someone else but I had to hide. I went to the cabin and hoped they just ignored it or they didn't see it. If I did not stumble across it that one night I might have never found it. I went quickly into the cabin and just hid behind some of the paintings because if they did come in here I was at least hidden.

"I heard something over here, I think they went into the old cabin" I heard.

I got nervous.

The door slowly opened and then quickly closed.

"All good in there" I heard.

I was clear, now I had to wait a little bit before I leave just in case they are still close by. Once I thought it was clear I made a run for it and got back into the castle safe and without being spotted.

It was late for the hunters to still be out unless they saw us and thought they needed to stay out.

Either way I was back in the castle and in my bed and I was tired.

I woke up with the sound of knocking and knocking.

"Whoever it is come in" I said.

It was my mom.

"I didn't want to just barge in so I thought I would just knock".

"Mom it is fine if you just come in, I don't mind and I thought it would be someone else since they were knocking".

"I just wanted to let you know Dad and I have to meet with the council members today for you know the normal business and will be with them for majority of today".

"That is fine and I think Niall is coming to get out room completely figured out".

"See you later".

"Bye mom and have fun".

She left and I just laid back down and the here comes Niall barging in.

"How's my sweet Carrie this fine morning?" He asked.


"Did I wake you?"

"No my mom just came in and told me she and sad had council meetings all day".

"Well I'm glad I didn't wake you up".

"So how was hunting last night?"

"Good same as usual I guess we kept hearing random noises like someone or something was just running through the woods".

"That is scary but it was probably just an animal or something".

"That is what I thought but who knows the woods at night can be dangerous because there is no indication on what could be out there".

"I'm glad you know what you are doing and come back safe".

"I try".

"Well that is good enough for me".

"What do you want to do today?"

"How about we just lay here".

"No we have to be productive".

"Ugh fine did you bring over more stuff because we can get our room completely done".

"Now that sounds like a fun plan".

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