Chapter 16

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The party was still going on, a few people left but it was still a party. Since there wasn't a lot of people here I started to clean up a little so it wasn't a complete mess when everyone decided to leave. I also didn't want the cleaning staff to have to clean up a whole lot.

Hunter pulled me aside "I'm going to go out and search and if you can't make it then i understand".

"Ok be careful and don't make contact".

"I won't I just want to see where he goes".

"That's good. I'll try and come later tonight but I doubt it".

"Don't worry and if you don't make it tonight then I understand and will check in with you tomorrow".

He was off.

After a while it was just Niall that was left.

"It was a fun party" I said.

"It was i am glad it all worked out".

I kissed him "I was happy to see you in your element with your cool hunter friends".

He laughed "is it fine if I stay with you tonight".

"Of course. You never have to ask".

"I know but don't want to annoy you".

"You never do".

We helped clean up for a little and then we were off to bed. Since Niall is staying over I'm definitely not going out tonight. I mean I could but there is always that slight chance that he would wake up in the middle of the night and I won't be there and then the questions will come in.

I mean there is ton of excuses I could make on why I wasn't there but not going just saves me the hassle and the guilt of lying anymore.

I just stayed in and hoped Hunter could figure this all out.

"Oh I'm going to be gone before you wake up probably, I'm going to do early morning hunting" Niall said.

"Okay no problem and besides I'm feeling super tired and will probably be annoyed if you woke me up".

He leaned over and kissed me "goodnight my princess".

"Goodnight my prince".

Niall was right about leaving before I woke up because when I eventually woke up he was gone.

I hope that Hunter didn't have to do hunting but he probably did because he hasn't been keeping up with his normal schedule.

I was hoping he had some time to come by with some news but maybe I didn't want any news. I somewhat hoped that he didn't see Victor.

Waiting around for Hunter wasn't going to be productive so I went to go get food then hang out with the kids.

Only Kenzie and Demi were here today the rest of the kids parents were not working until later today. I took them around the castle then to the outside area.

They were kinda quiet today but we still made the most of it. I think they miss the rest of the kids because they all have their own little group but they are still having fun.

I dropped the kids off with their parents so they can have lunch together.

"Princess Carrie, I just wanted to say thank you for taking time out of your day to play with the kids . Demi talks so much about you and tells me how much fun she has with you. I never seen her so happy" Demi's mom said.

"Oh it is no problem Demi is wonderful along with the rest of the kids. I'm glad I come and play with them everyday and I'm glad that they are having fun".

I went to my secret room and decided that I was going to draw each of the kids different things based on what I learned from each of them. What Demi's mom said to me really made me happy, I'm glad I'm making an impact on them. Being stuck in the castle was actually good because I may not ever spent so much time with them.

I started to draw but gave up after a while. I wasn't going to give up completely but I needed a break.

I still hope that Niall can start giving news and that my parents will let me go outside, mainly so I can take the kids out and let them run around outside. At the same time knowing about Victor makes me glad I can't take them outside. If anything ever happened to them I could never forgive myself.

I left and went around the castle once more. I hardly ever see my parents except for dinners and meetings and stuff, the castle is certainly big.

I went back to the front of the castle hoping Hunter would be coming with news or to check in like he said.


I was starting to think the worse but he had to be with the others because I just knew he had to.

I saw someone coming and it was Niall.

"Hello" I said.

"You don't look happy to see me".

"No I am but I didn't expect you to becoming back after hunting I thought you would be going home".

"I wasn't but I wanted to see you and tell you that I won't be around as much as usual. My little brother and sister want me home at nights. They claim I'm not around a lot".

"I understand go be with your family. I don't want them to think that I'm keeping them from you. So go I'll see you when I see you".

He kissed me "your the best".

"I try".

He went back towards the village and that means I can go out tonight and find Hunter.

I went to my room and there was a note. One of the messengers must of not been able to find me and left it in my room.

It was from Hunter: I followed Victor and he kept going in and out of that cabin then back to the lake. I don't know where he goes after that because I keep losing him. If you can come tonight meet me by the cabin.

At least I know Hunter is safe, well when he wrote this letter he was safe.

I ate dinner with my parents then stayed and talked to them for a bit then I was off to bed. It was the same routine, I laid there and waited for the usual check in from my mom and then I waited a couple of minutes then I was gone. I ran off to the cabin and waited for Hunter to show up.

"You made it" Hunter said.

"Yeah I did. Any sight of him so far tonight?"

"No I haven't seen him at all".

"So he just goes back to the cabin and to the lake and flies off".

"Yeah it's weird. I tried following him but I lost him".

"It is very weird".

"Will you actually go talk to him if we do find him".

"I want to but I feel like I need a plan first before I just go up to him and tell him I'm his niece and I know what he is up to. Also by the way I know about the lake also".

"Yeah that is a good call".

We just sit and waited.

Then finally Victor showed up.

I do badly wanted to just run up to him and tell him I know everything but I couldn't because I don't know how he would react to me. I mean he has such a hatred for my father and he could react horribly to me and just kill me. For right now it is to sit and watch.

He went into the cabin and the we followed him to the lake and watch him transform and he flew off.

Hunter and I did the same and tried to follow him the best of our abilities.

We lost him.

He really does know how to fly and not be followed.

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