Chapter 15

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The first couple of papers had no information that I was entirely interested except for the fact that he was a hunter for a little while until my grandparents said that he shouldn't be.

Then I read a paper that made me start this.

Today I was exploring around the woods and stumbled into this cave and inside I saw glowing. I took a look and it was a little lake, I thought it was peculiar but I jumped in anyway. Once I got out and stepped out of the cave I felt weird and I think I passed out. I then looked down and I wasn't myself and I didn't look like myself. I was a dragon. I didn't know what was going on and I didn't know how to change back so I went back into the lake and luckily it worked. After finding out about the lake I spent everyday as a dragon I wanted to see what being one was like. I never thought that I would enjoy it so much. The more I spent among dragons the more I didn't want to kill them.

"He sounds so much like Hunter" I said aloud to myself.

I continued reading.

I found the one place that so many hunters for generations have been trying to find, the dragons nest. The dragons nest is where so many dragons just come and sleep or to hide. I thought about telling someone but I knew they would only use it for evil and not good. I was in a conflict because I wanted to be the best king the kingdom has ever seen and I knew I could be because I have the power of the dragons now and can rule so many more kingdoms then this one. If I tell my secret then so many more will know and want to destroy it, but if I keep it I can show others how knowledgeable I am about the land and dragons and people will listen. I could rule all the kingdoms in the world. I was keeping this a secret and my plan to rule is now going to be put into play.

Just by reading this I can see why everyone thought he was crazy. I never met him but seeing how he wrote this would make me believe he was crazy also. I skipped a lot of the pages most of them were about how he told grandfather of how he is going to be ruler of the dragons and the kingdoms. I went to the last page.

The day I'm writing this is the day I'm leaving the kingdom for good. I am tired of being told I'm crazy and will never be a king like my brother. I'll show them. This isn't goodbye for good but for now it's over. Land of wander you are useless and don't know a great ruler when you see one. Won't miss a thing.

I thought that would be the last of the entries but there was one more.

To whoever may come across this. I'll be back and Victor Hale will take his rightful place on the throne and will bring the power that this kingdom deserves. That is one with the dragons. By the time I will come back I will have the control over dragons and the kingdom and my lousy brother will see how crazy I actually am.

I didn't know what to do with this information because I can't hand over all these entries because it reveals the secret about the lake. I had to go out and find him and talk sense into him. If he doesn't listen then that is when I have to hand them over. I might only show my dad the last one since it doesn't reveal a whole lot but either way I had to talk to him.

I wrote all the information I needed to remember then I went back up and put them back where I found them. I thought about looking in the spell book to see if I could find anything else to help me.

I found one thing about the lake that mentions how some can go mad and use it for evil and if that doesn't describe Uncle Victor then I don't know what will. I continued reading and it mentions being able to take the power away. It mentioned a spell. If every thing goes wrong I have to use the spell and take his power to transform away for good.

I realized that I have been doing stuff for so long today and that I should go and make myself presentable for the banquet tonight.

I put one of my moms old dresses on because she always wanted me to wear but I never really wanted to, mainly because I hate dresses and getting all dressed up.

I got ready within perfect timing because as soon as I stepped out of my room and made my way to the banquet hall Niall had just arrived.

"Don't you look beautiful" he said.

"Why thank you and you look very handsome".

"I try".

I didn't know was in charge of decorating but I'm assuming it's our normal decorators. Once we walked in it was beautiful and such a great set up.

The rest of the hunters started to enter.

It was becoming a glorious evening with so much fun and dancing.

Niall and I danced so much until I got tired and wanted to sit down.

While I sat down Niall went to go have some time with his little crew he called it. Once I knew that he was occupied I grabbed Hunter.

I really didn't have to grab him he looked in my direction and I motioned for him to come. He knew it had to be about dragon business.

He bowed.

"You don't have to do that".

"I know but when I am around your parents I fell like I have to. Is there something wrong?"

We walked more away from people "after you left me the other night. I saw someone running through the woods and he looked familiar to me. I then realized that it was my Uncle Victor".

"You mean the Victor who went power crazy and disappeared".

"Yes and then I did more research about him and found some journal entries and found out he also knows about the lake and can transform. Also he knows about the nest and where it is.

"Maybe that is the one dragon was chasing me".

"Maybe. While I was reading those entries he wrote about coming back and taking back his throne with the power of the dragons. Basically he is coming to cause chaos but I feel like if I can talk to him then I can change his mind. I want to tell my parents but that can be revealing so much".

"Carrie that is a lot to handle".

"It is but if things go bad I found a spell in that book that can take his powers away forever".

"I'm coming with you whenever you decide to confront him".

"I'm not getting you involved in this".

"You already have just by telling me. We can do this, we just have to find him and make a plan".

"Ok first thing is we have to figure out when to go out again because I don't think tonight is going to work".


Hunter went to rejoin the party and I sat with my parents for awhile. The hunters looked so happy to be celebrating and having fun and they all deserved it.

I just hope Hunter and I can stop Victor before it is too late.

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