Chapter 12

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"Carrie Carrie" I heard my Dad shout.

"In here".

"I heard the kids screaming are they alright?".

"Yeah we saw a a dragon and they panicked. The dragon was far away but Harry saw it".

"That is good that they are all right and you. I'm going to go out and take a look and see if it is still out there. Stay here".

Dad ran off and I was confused as why Hunter was flying out so much in the open.

I thought maybe it wasn't Hunter and just another dragon but it looked exactly like him so I'm just going to keep assuming it is him until I talk to him.

Dad came back and said there was no sight of the dragon and that everything was under control.

I hope if it was Hunter he didn't get caught by the hunters because since it was light outside it would be easier for them to catch him.

The kids parents came and got them to calm them down and I went pacing back and forth by the front of the castle waiting for Niall to come. Niall usually tries and rush back to check on everyone once this kind of stuff happens. I was hoping he would come soon because I was worried even though I was confident it was Niall but if it wasn't, Niall could of gotten hurt.

I kept pacing then there he was running up the hill. I would run to him but the guards would block me if I set a toe out of the castle.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he hugged me.

"Me alright? Are you alright weren't you hunting and is your family okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine and they are alright, they hardly noticed it. Zac hit it though and once again it just vanished we couldn't find any sign of it".

"What is up with that? It is just weird and concerning".

"I know but I'm glad you are all safe".

"Harry was the one that spotted the dragon we were outside and the kids started to panic. They are okay now".

"Are they still here?"


"I'm going to go talk to them I'll meet you in the dining hall".

I shook my head and he was off to calm them down even more. I think he was going for that and to show them that he is alright because I know that Valorie and Harry look up to him.

I went to the dining hall and just waited for Niall to come back. I wondered where Hunter was because if the dragon vanished like Niall said then it definitely was Hunter.

Niall came back "how are the kids doing?"

"Good they seemed to be calmed down since their parents are with them".

"That's good".

"So honestly are you alright?"

"I am. I'm getting married to a person who hunts these things I can't be scared".

"That wasn't answering he question".

"Yes I'm alright. I only get worried because I don't know if you'll come back".

"Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself I have been doing this for a long time now".

I put my arms over his neck "I know but I'm allowed to be worried".

He kissed me "I know but I don't like when you are stressed out. I can always tell when you are".

"And how do you know when I'm stressed out?".

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