Chapter 30

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"Carrie are you alright?" Niall asked.

"You know I'm really tired of everyone asking me that question. I'm not fine not now anyways. I just basically killed my Uncle my dad didn't even look at me and most of the kingdom now knows everything. I don't think I can be Queen after all this. Hunter I'm sorry I dragged you into this and Niall I'm sorry for you having to find out so fast. I did not want it to be like this".

"Carrie I know it's been a crazy few days but your dad just found out that his brother is alive and now he's gone again. Everyone just needs time to process all this. Hunter and I are here for you".

"I know it's just that everything is not how I wanted it to be".

"Life never goes perfectly".

"I wish it did. We didn't even make the wedding official" I started crying again.

"It's a wedding, it's fine and we will make it official soon".

Hunter and Niall stayed with me until Niall's family wanted to see him. It was probably something to do with me.

"Hunter what do you think of all this?"

"I don't really know what to say. I think it just feels nice that I don't have to keep this secret anymore".

"Yeah I feel that. Keeping this secret felt wrong and while it is a disaster right now it feels good that I let it out".

My grandmother came in.

"Carrie I'm so sorry all this ruined the wedding. I'm more sorry that everyone found out the way they did".

"It's fine and how's mom and dad. Do they want to banish us from the kingdom".

"No your parents are not going to do that. I just got done talking to them, they are just processing all this and they want to make a way for all this too work".

"I can't be Queen. I don't even know what the rest of the village thinks of all this. I can't handle knowing that some don't like me".

"Carrie sweetie not everyone is going to like you".

"I know grandmother but you know how people feel about dragons".

"Maybe you will be the one to change their minds".

"Carrie she's right maybe one person is all that it takes to change someone's minds"

"I know Hunter but how can I change their minds when most of them just witnessed me killing Victor".

"Stop putting all that on you. I am part of it, I helped. I don't think the hunters are going to take me back".

"But do you even want to go back".

"Not really but that's not the point. We are both looked at in a totally different way now. We just have to stick together".

"I know but I have an idea".

"Which is?"

"I'm going to call a conference with every body and then I will know".

"Okay if you think that is going to work".

I called grandmother and told her my plan and she thought it was great and once everyone is gathered then I will know what my fate here stands.

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