Chapter 19

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Being outside was becoming really wonderful. It felt good to be outside when I am actually supposed to be outside. Fresh air was good for me and I forgot how beautiful the kingdom can be.

"Grandmother where are we going?" I asked her.

"I don't know if you remember the old cabin we have just outside the kingdom by the sea. We used to take you all the time when you were younger".

"I do remember it is the one with those purple flowers everywhere".

"Yes it is. I thought we would go there because while it is just outside the kingdom we are far enough to hopefully get your mind off of things".

"It's perfect I can't wait. I always had so much fun there".

I was certainly excited to get away and especially to this cabin. I had fond memories of the cabin especially when grandfather took me and we spend the time exploring. Oh how I do miss him.

We arrived at the cabin and it was still the same as I remembered. I liked the cabin because it was small and it was nice to be somewhere with not many rooms. Living in a castle is nice and all but it could get lonely because everyone is in different parts of the castle at most times. I hoped getting away is going to be good and I can forget about everything that is happening back in Wander.

Before we leave this cabin I am going to tell grandmother everything and hope that she can keep it a secret until I can figure out how to solve everything.

The rooms were still the same and I chose to stay in the one I usually do.

I brought one of my journals to write about everything here and how good it feels to be away.

"Grandmother do you mind if I go exploring?" I asked her in the hopes she says yes.

"Yeah sweetie of course and take your time. I'm just going to unpack and get settled".

"Thank you".

I left and I wanted to just walk around. The purple flowers were so pretty and still growing all over, I was going to bring some home for mom because I knew she always liked them.

I went walking around in the woods because these woods are far less terrifying then the woods back home.

I didn't know if I was going to encounter dragons here because I certainly don't remember the area that much. I feel like if there were any my grandmother wouldn't have brought me here but then again dragons are everywhere.

The woods here were so pretty and the leaves just stood out. I was probably amazed at all this because I was in the woods not sneaking around. I was actually getting to enjoy nature without feeling so guilty.

I went back to the cabin and grandmother was already doing her fabulous cooking and I missed all this.

Grandmother and I ate and it was nice to have this time with her.

"How was your exploring?" She asked me.

"It was good it felt nice to be able to explore outside and be free".

"That is good and your parents will reason soon and let you out".

"I sure hope so".

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