Chapter 24

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Niall was going to stay but I told him that he needed to go hunting and that I would be fine.

After Niall left I just felt like being alone so I went to my room and slept for a while. When I woke up I felt like I missed dinner and I was right. I then walked to the kitchen to grab some food. It was weird that no one woke me up but they probably thought it was best for them to leave me sleeping and they weren't wrong. I walked to grandmothers room to see if she was still here and didn't go out.

"Oh Carrie you are awake" she said.

"Why didn't no one wake me for dinner?"

"We thought it was a hard day for you and we didn't want to disturb you. So we let you sleep".

"That's what I thought. Are you going out tonight?"

"No I thought I am not feeling it".

"Okay. I will see you in the morning".

She gave me a hug "be careful".

I nodded in agreement and left.

I was more scared to go out now since Victor knows almost everything now but I liked being able to fly around with Hunter.

I couldn't find Hunter anywhere he must of not come out tonight or something bad might have happened.

I always tended to overthink but then he might have been dragged along to go hunting.

I flew around and went to the island where we found Victor and I don't know why I did this but maybe he is more understanding when I'm alone.

Victor probably found a new spot but I didn't think he would because how another version of the enchanted lake is here.

I landed on the island and transformed back into human form and looked around for him.

I finally saw him and he looked like he wanted to kill me then run away.

"Victor can we just talk?" I asked him.

"There is nothing really to say".

"I just need to talk to you".

"About what?"

"I found letters that you wrote before you left and I don't want something horrible to happen".

"Those letter were an exaggeration, I was mad at everyone".

"So you are not planning to create chaos and take back the throne?"

"I never said that only that those letters were written in anger. I still have plans for a return. How did you even find the letters".

"I was banished from going outside for awhile and it gave me a lot more time to explore the castle and stumbled upon them and read them".

"I thought no one goes into that room".

"Neither did I".

"I do have a question for you?"


"That spell you use to transform without the lake, how did you learn that?"

"From a book".

"I see. Will you tell me?"

"I don't know".


"I can't. I don't fully trust you with it".

I felt like this was going to end badly and I was starting to feel scared.

"I admire that Carrie, but I will figure it out".

He ran off and I transformed and flew back towards the castle.

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