Chapter 17

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We flew around more and tried to figure out where he went, but nothing he was outsmarting us. I don't even know if he saw us trying to follow him but either way there was nothing in the sky.

We went to the dragon nest and see if he went in there.

Still nothing.

"I feel like we should give up" I said.

"I don't know what is up with this, he shouldn't be able to just disappear like that".


"Unless what?"

"Unless he knows the spell and transforms into human mid air and once he feels like he is out of sight he transforms back into a dragon".

"That could be possible but I would feel we would see something flying out of the sky".

"Yeah your right I'm just trying to find a solution to all this".

We continued flying around and there was nothing we didn't even see any hunters, the woods were becoming more quiet than usual.

I decided to call it a night and flew back towards the castle and transformed back.

Hunter told me that he was going to fly around more.

I was thinking about all the possibilities because Victor I know is very smart and clever but there is no way he should be this smart.

Then again I never met him and he has been alone for a while and on his own so he could be the ultimate master mind.

I got safely back in my room and just laid in my bed staring at the ceiling.

It was the start of the new day and I didn't know what I wanted to do, not like I have much choice.

I got up and went to the kitchen and ate with the kids. After eating I did my daily walk around the castle. I sometimes like to stand by the front of the castle to see if any visitors would be stopping by.

I saw someone coming and it was my grandmother which was very odd. She probably doesn't know I'm banned from stepping foot outside.

"Grandmother I wasn't expecting you until the wedding" I said.

"I know but I have news that brought me here sooner than expected".

"Grandmother what's wrong?"

"It is best we go find your parents".

After we found my parents grandmother gathered us into the dining hall.

She started crying "Richard passed last night. It was in his sleep. I tried to wake him up this morning but he wasn't breathing. Carrie he was really looking forward to seeing you get married and become Queen".

My parents don't really show emotion but I just started crying. My parents were trying to comfort me but I excused my self. I love my grandfather and I can't believe he is gone.

I went to my room and just laid on my bed crying.

My grandmother came in "Carrie sweetie can I come in".

"Of course" I wiped my tears.

"I know this is a bad time to ask but would you rather wait to have the funeral until after your wedding or before".

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