Chapter 8

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Just a little while after Niall left Hunter came running. I only knew it was him because he kept shouting my name.

"Hunter calm down what is it?" I asked.

"I found I found".

"Lets go in this room".

Luckily it was empty.

"I found the cave where all the dragons are".

"Are you serious? Was it scary or exciting what is it like?"

"I was so overwhelmed it all happened so fast".

"How did you find it?".

"When you left last night I did more flying around and I usually know everything but I got turned around and landed on this island that I've never been on before and I walked around and there was an opening so I went in and there they were all the dragons and I knew I looked like one but I felt weird being there and so I left".

"This is such big news. This is what everyone has been looking for for ages".

"I know I don't know what to do I want to show you it because you will be Queen soon and I just don't know what to do".

"Niall said he is staying over tonight but doesn't know for sure and if he is then there is no way that I can go. Besides aren't you hunting tonight?"

"Yeah but I'll just go missing again or come up with why I can't hunt. Either way we will figure it out".

"Yes we will. Just stay calm about all this".

"Ok I got to go get ready for hunting. I might as well go and I can show you another night".


I can't believe that Hunter discovered the dragon cave and now knows that where majority of them hide. I can't believe I now know this information and part of me should tell because I am going to be Queen soon and I have the responsibilities of protecting this kingdom.

I also have the ability to be a dragon and I can't just lead everyone there to kill them. I was clearly stuck in the middle of all this and didn't know what to do.

For now I was going to go to my room and lay on my bed and think of ways that this could go.

I came up with nothing and Niall came back.

"How's the hunter's doing?" I asked.

"Same as usual" he said plopping down on the bed.

"Is that good or bad?".

"Good in the sense of that everyone is still safe and bad in the sense of we hadn't made any progress".

"I'm sure that you will soon".

"I'm so lucky to have you".

"I'm going to get some food prepared for us and I'll be right back".

He nodded his head and I went towards the kitchen. I felt so bad knowing I have all this knowledge now and I'm just letting him feel down about himself over not making progress.

I knew I couldn't tell him because I don't know how they would react and I could not only be putting me into danger I can be putting Hunter in danger as well since he knew long before me.

I reached the kitchen and they had food prepared already. The kitchen staff was honestly the best.

I came back to the room and I could tell that Niall was starving because he ate so fast and I even gave him some of mine because he was so hungry.

After he devoured his food we walked around the castle and my mom dragged us away for some more wedding stuff and I was so over it.

After that we walked back to our room and he was for sure staying and I couldn't go out tonight. I didn't mind I like having Niall here it is just I want to go exploring.

I passed out first.

I woke up and it was still dark out so I was assuming that it was late still and I tried to go back to sleep but it wasn't happening.

I finally went back to sleep just to be woken up not long after.

"Sun is out and time to start the day" Niall said.

"No you can I'm sleeping".

"At least walk me out and come with me to the kitchen I'm hungry".

"Ugh fine but I'm not changing".

"I don't care".

I got up and we went to the kitchen and my parents were ready to have breakfast all together.

Breakfast was fast and easy and I just wanted to sleep.

I walked Niall out and he was hunting all day and I could sneak out but I was too tired to even think about going out. Once Niall left I went back to sleep.

Once I woke up I didn't know what I wanted to do, I hated being locked up in this castle even though I do sneak out but i hate the stress of the chance that I will be caught. I just want to go out freely and not have to worry about that.

I did what I have been doing and that was walking around the castle and I decided to go on the one floor I never do and see what those rooms had to offer.

I stumbled into one room and it had the same exact paintings that were in the cabin in the woods. I thought that was interesting but the only difference was that they were hanging and they looked brand new.

Since I found them in true castle I can now ask my parents about it.

One room down and I had so much to discover on this floor.

The next room I went in had nothing appealing or interesting so I moved onto the next.

In this room was a room full of books. I didn't know we had another room with books, I thought we only had one of these rooms but I guess my parents can keep secrets just as well as I can. I don't even know if it was meant to be a secret because I never come to this floor, it could be nothing but it also can be something.

The books in this room were weird, most of them had to do with witchcraft and dragons.

The books about dragons were the most I was interested in because I can learn more.

After reading some of them I feel like I understand them better but there is still so much to learn.

One of the books that I found that was hidden in a hole in the wall, which I found because who ever tried to hid it didn't do it very well mentioned a spell to turn into one which I found weird. I decided to give it a shot.

"Dragon Dragon oh how much I want to fly. Dragon Dragon I want to be one. So with this saying please turn me into one".

All of a sudden I was a dragon and I thought I needed the lake and this was a remarkable discovery.

On the next page it mentioned how to turn back and I hoped this work.

"Dragons are high and mighty and I do like being one but please change me back to normal".

I closed my eyes and it worked. I know have a way to change whenever I want and don't have to use that stupid lake. I wondered why it worked then I read the book again and it said "only those who have found the enchanted lake can use this spell".

It all made sense and I put the book back and got out before anyone saw I was in there.

I now can tell Hunter I discovered something new and exciting.

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