Chapter 11

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Niall and his family arrived for dinner and we all took our places at the table.

"How is the hunting going with you and the rest of the hunter's?" My dad asked Niall.

"It is going good almost caught one last night. I pierced it with my arrow in its wing but then it just disappeared along with the other dragon that we saw".

"What do you mean disappeared?".

"It was weird. Once my arrow hit it like the dragon was falling then the other dragon flew in the direction then the one just vanished and we only saw the one".

"That is weird".

"We tried to find them but we couldn't it was a weird night".

"I'm glad you are all safe but I wonder where they ran off to".

In my head I was saying "I know where they both are one is in this room and the other one is probably flying around as we speak".

During dinner everyone had their own little conversations. My mom and Niall's mom were talking Niall, my dad kept talking mainly on hunting, and I was entertaining Niall's little brother and sister.

After dinner was over Niall and his family left and I went to my soon to be room and see what else I can do with it. It seems like I spend so much time just staring at this room trying to figure out what to do with it. I always come up with nothing. I rearranged some things but ultimately it looked the same.

I knew I had the opportunity to go out and explore tonight but after getting hit by an arrow I just needed a break. I rather be out there with Hunter so I know that he is safe.

Hunter can take of him self but everything is becoming too close and someone can figure it out. Hunter keeps disappearing when he is hunting and causing them to not catch dragons, then there is them spotting us then me just disappearing after I get hit with the arrow.

This can all come out so fast.

One thing I want to know is the history of the book because I find it odd that it is just there, in a hole in the wall. Someone had to put it there because it couldn't just magically appear there. Unless the book did have that kind of magic and just appeared.

That is crazy because there is no way.

I also wanted to know what the story behind the cabin was because one again it was odd that there is portraits in there and that they are the same as the ones we have in the castle.

So many questions that I wanted to be answered but can't ask without being questioned on how I know these things, I'm not even allowed to leave the castle.

If I wanted answers and if I wanted to get those answers I would have to find out myself. Which was going to be difficult.

I decided to sleep in this room because one I was too tired to walk to mine and besides I had to get used to this bed.

I wasn't falling asleep at all and I just laid there hoping I would drift off into sleep.... I didn't.

I thought about leaving the castle but i instead ended up in the kitchen.

"Ahh Carrie, can't sleep either?" My dad said.

I shook my head no.

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