Chapter 26

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My bed felt so comfortable. My door started to open and it was grandmother.

"Grandmother he is gone. You can come in" I said.

"Sorry about earlier".

"It's fine".

"I'm assuming that you are not going tonight".

"No I don't think it is best to".

"I'm going".

"Grandmother are you sure you should be going out alone".

"No but I have to. I need to get through to Victor".

"Just be safe".

"I always try".

She left and I just wanted to sleep but I didn't want to miss dinner and I knew if I fell asleep no one would wake me up.

I knew if I stayed in bed then I would definitely fall asleep so I got up and walked around.

I then went outside and sat and father found me "Carrie you really do like being outside".

"I do. It is just nice outside and I like looking at the trees".

He sat next to me "it is nice out here. What do you see we eat out here tonight".

"That would be nice".

"Then it is settled".

I was excited to eat outside even though it sounds weird. It was a beautiful night out.

"Oh Carrie you can invite Niall if you want to".

"He's hunting tonight so it is fine".

He walked back into the castle and I just sat at the table.

I saw someone running from the castle and of course it had to be Victor. He stopped and looked at me then smiled then kept running.

How does he keep getting in here. I ran to the door where I figured out last time and it was still closed. It could either mean he actually closed the door or he found a new way.

I ran to grandmothers room and she was luckily in there.

"Victor was just in here. I saw him running out when I was sitting outside" I said.

"Are you are it was him?"

"Yes I'm sure he stopped and looked at me then did a creepy smile. If he ran seconds before Dad would of saw him, dad was outside with me then left right before he ran out".

"Oh no did he have anything this time".

"Not that I could see".

"How is he keep getting in here".

"I don't know the last time he was using the door that goes into the stables but I looked before I came here and it was still closed".

"Very weird".

"I'm going to go look around and oh we are having dinner outside tonight".

"We haven't done that in awhile".

I left her room and started to search every possibility.

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