Star spangled girl (USUK)

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~third person pov ~

"We are at war and all you want to do is watch an American show?" Arthur asked looking to his partner. "We are in America for a week, at least enjoy it Arthur" Yao laughed shaking him. "How long is?" Arthur asked annoyed. "Maybe an hour" Yao pulled Arthur into the theater. They were stationed in America for a week after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. America declared war with Germany, meaning a new ally entered the war.  Arthur and Yao met each other when they were station in China fighting against the Japanese, but were now moved to America for a short time after the attack.

"What kind of show is this anyway?" Arthur asked bored as he looked at the large stage and theater , that only had a dim light at the top. Almost as a spot light was there. "oh! It is about to start!" Yao started to shake Arthur in an excited way as Arthur watched In a bored way.

"Who's strong and brave here to save the American way?" singing erupted as a bunch of women in American flag clothing came out of the curtains to the music.  The singing caught Arthur's attention as he sat up straight to look at the dancing women.

"Who vows to fight like a man for what's right, night and day?!!" Arthur smiled seeing all the beautiful woman march across the stage in their short shirts and crop tips waving around American flags.

"Who will campaign door to door for America ?!! Carry the flag shore to shoe for America? From Hoboken to Spokane!!! The star spangled man with a plan!!!" The singing continued as Arthur saw a particular dancer who kept waving to all the men in the crowd.

"We can't ignore there's a threat and a war we must win!!!" The young woman marched across the stage as Arthur's eyes followed her. "Who'll hang a noose on the goose-stepping goons from Berlin?!!" The young lady sang beautifully making Arthur smile. "See I knew you would like it" Yao teased as Arthur pushed him away, continuing to watch the show.

"Who will redeem heed the call for America ?!"
"Who'll rise or fall give his all for America"
"Who's here to prove that we can!!!!"
"The star spangled man , with a plan!"
Arthur laughed at the young woman's silliness as their eyes both met as she danced across the stage in joy and pride for her country.

"Stalwart and steady and true! Forceful and ready to defend The red!, white! and blue!..."
the young lady winked at the British man as he started to chuckle in a dreamy like way. "Who'll give The axis the sack, and is smart as a fox!!!" The woman sang happily together waving the flags around.

"Who's making Adolf afraid to step out of his box?!!"
"Who wakes the giant that napped in America?"
"We know it's no one but Captain America"
"Who'll finish what they began?!"
"Who'll kick the Krauts to japan?!"
"The star spangled man!!!!! With!!! A plan!!" All the girls twirled around singing laudatory as Arthur watched almost falling out of his seat from interest.

"Who's strong and brave here to save the American way?!!" The girls finished as Arthur quickly got out of his seat to applaud, making the young lady he watched earlier smile a nod towards him. The American woman made Arthur smile the brightest he has ever done in years. Especially with the dreadful war going on at the moment.

Arthur watched as the lady walked off the stage waving at him in happiness. "I have to talk to her, she was so amazing" Arthur thought walking off without Yao beside him. Arthur walked into the lobby where the dancers would be and waited to see the woman who he liked a lot. "I noticed you watching from the crowd, never been to An American dance show before?" Arthur heard making him turn around quickly to the woman.

"No, I am from England" Arthur laughed looking to the beautiful woman who looked so prideful in her country. "Military man I can tell. My name is Amelia Jones, a pleasure" she smiled holding her hand out for him to grab. "Master sergeant Arthur Kirkland" the British man smiled taking her hand in his. "I just wanted to say how wonderful you did out there, it amazed me" Arthur gawked at her as she smiled. "Thanks hun, maybe we can meet up tomorrow for a cup o two, what do ya say?" Amelia smiled as Arthur thought how cute her American accent was.

"Sure, I will be here for a week till they send me back to Europe to fight" Arthur mention making Amelia smile a bit sadly. "Welp, let's make the fun last till then" she winked causing Arthur to blush uncontrollably. He had never seen such a beautiful woman in his life and that made him want to know more about her. "How about we meet at Rosie's cafe tomorrow noon? I don't have to be to my first show till four either way" she smiled making Arthur nod. "Yes!!! Of course, I would not miss it for the world" Arthur laughed.

"There you are!!! You just took off!" Yao cane running to Arthur side stoping his next statement as he looked at the young American dancer. "Oh I get it" Yao laughed making Arthur nudge him to the side. "Sorry about that, I will see you then" Arthur smiled happily as Yao tried to walk away slowly. "You're a cute one Arthur, I may just snatch you up before you leave again" Amelia jokes as Arthur laughed in happiness. "If you want" Arthur laughed a bit dazed by her beauty and radiance.

"Well I outa go now darling, see you soon" Amelia smiled waving him off as he continued to watch her in a dreamy state. "You an ass" Yao looked unamused to Arthur who started to laughed a bit shrugging his shoulders.

Thanks for reading so far!!!! This is my hetalia ships Oneshots book that will have slow updates of course like my FrUK one shot book, because I make other stories.  I am backed up on ship requests so I won't open it up till I finish all thirty or so of them ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ sorry and I hope you continue to read

Bye bye

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