#28***Love Triangle(SpUK)

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"I am sorry Francis....but I told you, I am in love with someone else...."
"Can you at least tell me who it is?"
"No.....I am sorry" I said. I turned away from him and walked down the hall nervously. I felt bad, but after everything that has happened, I do not think I am able to be with him any longer. I had fallen in love with one of his best friends and I was going to tell him. I was going to tell Antonio I mean.

I walked down the steps slowly and continued towards the office where Antonio worked. Was it bad to reject francis and tell his friend I loved him? Yes it was a dick move, but will it bite me in the ass when Antonio rejects me? Possibly, but that is a risk I am willing to take.

It seemed like the longest walk when it was only down the hall. I began to feel guilty every step I took, rejecting Francis and telling his friend I loved him all in one day. Not only do I know it might start a fight but if I get rejected it will make up for me being a dick, hopefully.

I knocked on Antonio's office door and heard him cheep for me to come in. "Hey Arthur, I wasn't expecting you to be here, Francis told me he need to talk to you" he said nervously. Damn it!!! Of course Francis told him, they are friends, this only gives him more of a reason to reject me.

"About that....there is something I need to tell you" I spoke slowly. He looked at me confused as I walked to take a seat in front of him. "What is it?" He asked looking a bit scared. "Well.....before I start , I want to say the Francis asked me on a date, but I told him no.."

"What? Why are you telling me this? Is he okay?"
"Before you ask a million questions, let me finish"
"Hmmmm? Okay then..." he said nervously. He clenched his seats armchairs and looked to me in a curious way. He was so charming and cute I wanted to be with him, and even if rejects me, I will still be a fool in love with him. A stupid fool really.

"I said no to him because I am in love with someone else....it's you, I am in love with you! And it is okay if you reject me, I just need to get this off my chest since it has been killing me for so long.....but it is true!!! Antonio!!! I love you" I looked to him nervously and I felt my cheeks get red. He looked to me scared and I was a bit confused at his expression. "What is it?" I asked.

"Antonio, do you feel the same about him?" That voice made me want to vomit in my chair. I turned around to see a very sad looking Francis. Great!!! Antonio is going to say no for sure because they are friends, so this is an automatic rejection. I got up from my seat and headed towards the door. "Hey!!! Where are you going!!!" Antonio asked shocked.

"Hmmm? Oh yeah, I can see where this is going so I am going to leave while is still can" I said and they both looked at me shocked. "Francis I too have a confession" Antonio spoke standing up. "What? You do?" I asked.

"Yes!!! And it's that I am in love with ....."
"With?" I asked confused. He was definitely not going to say my name.
"For god sake just say it!" Francis looked to him annoyed.
"BOTH OF YOU!!!! I LOVE BOTH OF YOU!!!" Antonio said. Naturally Francis and I jumped from shock at his unexpected confession.

"Excuse what?" I asked confused. "You heard me! And you said you loved me and I would love to go out with you, but I have conflicting feeling about Francis as well....." Antonio looked to Francis who got shivers up his spine. "Yeah, I think I will pass with that one"

"How about we all....?"
"ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!" Francis and I yelled at him.
"Oh come on!!"
"Well!!! Look at the time I have to go!" I spoke.
"Hey I will join you!!" Francis said quickly coming to me.
"Yes, I don't mind the company all of a sudden" I said. We both walked out of the room.

~Antonio pov~

I only said those things to break the tension. But I guess now they think I want to have a threesome. I started to laugh by myself at my desk as I pulled open a side drawer. I was really only in love with Arthur, but there was no way I was going to say it in front of Francis.

I know the two of them are better off together....I mean, would Arthur really give mea chance? And would Francis approve? Possibly not. I looked out the window to see Arthur and Francis talking to each other With a lot of confusion on their faces.

I took out the picture I had of Arthur in my desk and smiled at it for a little bit, one day I will be completely honest with you, but I suppose that will have to wait a long time.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️❤️❤️


also I literally need one more oneshot to finish so please stay tuned for whenever I publish that one, which will be soon.

Don't forget the last day to vote is 2/29/200 at midnight!!! Or the next morning when I wake up at like 8am lmao

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