#5***meet my brother(Prucan)

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"So I am going to his house this weekend, and it is going to be great, maybe if I am lucky, he will let me put my arm around him"
"Arm around him? Francis, you are such a kid, it's all about that second base!"
"Second base?! You sound like a guy who can't keep it in his pants, you have to take things slow, don't you know?" Francis nudged Antonio's shoulder as they started to make silly faces at each other. "I feel bad for whoever you are going out with" Francis teased. "I am not dating anyone yet, but when I do , I am sure they will be the one"

I looked to both of them surprised at their conversation. "What about you Gil, see anyone you like lately?" Antonio winked. "Nah, not really, but hey, if someone thinks I am pretty awesome, which I am.... I would not hesitate to ask the out, or maybe even vise versa" I laughed. I was not really interested in dating at the moment, I mean, if it happens then it totally happens, but that was never going to happen. Some people at the school think I am a bit.....too exciting....

"Aww you sound so cute" Francis laughed.
"Whoa whoa whoa!!!! I still got it, in fact, I am sure any girl ...or guy will go out with me" I laughed nervously. It was a lie, I was terrible at asking people out. "Oh yeah sure, we'll, you should still talk to someone" Antonio suggested. I shrugged my shoulders and leaned against the wall we were by. I took a deep breath in and out as I smiled at them "maybe I can introduce you to someone? Arthur has a friend who has a brother-."
"I think I will pass"

They looked to me shocked as I shrugged it off. I did not want to just be with someone, I was serious about relationships, if I get in one I planned to marry that person. So it had to be the right one, I doubt anyone is into that stuff though. Most people look forward to a relationship in order to have sex, and I am not really for that. "Aww really? If you say so I guess" Francis pretended to pout as Antonio wrapped his arm around me. "Hey! What the hell are you two doing?"

They both started to shake me around as they made pouting faces at me. "Will you all quit it already?" I started to laugh as I pushed them away. "Never!" They said teasing. After shaking me hard my books and papers had fell out of my bag. "Awww man, really?" I said annoyed. They looked to the papers and back to me "well, pick them up" Antonio smiled. Some of them fell down the steps which was kind of bothersome, but I still walked down the steps slowly, still hearing their calls to me. My friends were like family to me and we always teased each other , so it was normal thing.

I hurried around picking up papers until a certain pair of shoes made me stop. "Hmmm?" I looked up slowly and saw a boy. He was holding some of my papers and I stood up quickly. "Oh....I think you dropped these" the guys said. I finally looked at him in the eyes and I never seen anyone look ....so...cute. "Uhhh....I....Uhhh...thank.."

God I am an idiot?! Why was that the only thing I could say???!!!! "Hehe, no problem" he smiled. His smiled made me feel as if I was being lifted off of the ground. How was his smile so amazing? "Well...nice meeting you, I have to go" he started. He handed me my papers and kept his sweet smile on his face. I had no idea what to do, but to just stand there like an idiot. "Okay...you too..." I watched him walk away as I walked backwards up the stairs. I had never seen someone like him before, I had no idea who he was, or what his name was. DAMN IT!!! I SHOULD HAVE ASKED FOR HIS NAME. Now I felt like a really big idiot.

I walked back up the stairs and saw the guys looking at me strangely. "What took so long?" Antonio asked. "Oh nothing really" I laughed nervously. "Okay, well Francis wanted time know if you can come to Arthur's house for a get together of some sorts. He invited Francis and wanted him to bring a few people. Arthur, was going to bring some of his friends too" Antonio smiled a bit excited.
"Yes, the friends I was telling you about earlier, it would be my first time meeting them, but Arthur treats them like they are brothers so I suppose it kind of counts as meeting his family" Francis smiled.

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