#27***Tourist Attracttion(USxRomano)

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Italy was totally a fine place to be, doing study abroad was fun and my parents completely were okay with me coming to Europe. I mean, they were born in Europe so they thought it would give me a chance to know more about where our family came from. Although Mattie was here with me too, I still felt lost.

Not mentally lost.... I mean I am literally lost. I lost Mattie and I have no idea where I am right now. I looked at the map in my hand , then looking both ways, nothing was familiar to me at all. My Italian was not the best and I wanted to avoid asking for help, but I knew deep down I had to do it. I quickly walked over to a police officer that looked really young, my age.

I was able to understand Italian ,but hopefully he did not use it on me. "Uhhh.... pardon me..... I lost..." I said nervously. The man looked to me and tried to push his smile down. He was most likely making fun of the way I was speaking Italian. "Ahhh...a foreigner....always getting lost" he said in Italian. I have no idea if he was trying to be rude, or just didn't know that I could understand what he was saying to me.

"Where - are you- try-ing to-go???" He made weird gestures. Why was he treating me like I was an alien or something? "Hmm? I understand Italian....no speak" I tried to explain. He looked at me nervously, and tried to act natural. This is probably the worst encounter I have had in Europe so far. I wonder if more people will be like him. I knew how to speak about five languages, but Italian wasn't one.

"Ahhh.....where are you trying to go?"
"Oh, if you take a cab they will take you straight there. Here, let me walk to the direction so you don't get more lost" the man tried to smile at me but it seemed that smiling wasn't his thing. His jaw twitched of annoyance and I felt bad for him, he really must not smiling at people.

"Thank you very much, my name is Alfred....what is yours?" I said slowly , my accent seeping through very harshly. "Hehe, your accent sounds stupid" he said laughing. Now I see why he was trying to force a smile.....he was trying not to insult me, but I guess he couldn't hold it in.

"I mean this is my job and all, but I have a right to say whatever I want" he added.
"Ehhhh? This is not America I have no idea how laws work here..." I spoke in English.
"Yeah I guess that makes sense." He responded back in English.

The knowledge of him knowing and speaking English made me angry and I wanted to walk off,but he was showing me around. "You knew English this whole time? And you didn't bother to speak it so I can properly ask for help? What is wrong with you?" I asked annoyed.

"By the way, my name is lovino, and it is nice to meet you. Welcome to Italy I guess."
"Huh?!!!! Why are you telling me this now?!"
"Oh right, well I didn't feel like it earlier and I guess you seem like a nice tourist."
"What!!!! I am a college student...."
"Ahhh right, you did mention that"

I think I was actually about to murder him, but the nice guy in me is urging me to keep my cool. Remember Alfred, people are different all around the world and you need to be considerate of their customs. "I am only messing with you, you seem so serious, what kind of serious person raised you?"

Of course the image of my serious father popped into my head, while also a confusingly nice papa popped up as well. They both raised me and have such different personalities. Sure I can be fun, but I know when to be serious, and this was serious, I was really lost and my phone died so I can't find Mattie or my way around this stupid city.

"Ahhh I see" I spoke.
"Well, here we are" Lovino said stopping. We had arrived at a bus station and he actually looked proud of himself for being able to help me. "Why do you look so proud?" I asked confused. "Well, people say I am rude and tend to walk away from me and I tried being extra nice today, and you didn't run away, so it is a worthy moment to be proud." He smiled a genuine smile. This guy was definitely an odd ball.

"Thank you so much, maybe we will meet again someday?"
"I wouldn't push it....but you are welcome"
He waved me off and I still felt annoyed. This guy was something else, he was cocky, and a smart ass. Who the hell let him be a police officer? He is more of a teacher who likes hitting his students with rulers. How demonic.

Who knows, we could cross paths again, I guess my summer here in Italy might be an interesting one.



Also some of these ships I am not familiar with so it is hard for me to write. As you can see I only wrote two today.....but no worries hopefully I can finish the next two quickly and finally be done with this challenge.

Hoped you enjoyed.

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