#24***Being nice is hard(SuFin)

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"Alright everyone, make sure to pick a partner and start the warm up"
"Lukas!!! I call Lukas!!! Back off  Mathias!"
"Really? Okay Emil, I guess I will be with Erland..."
"What do you mean you guess!!!!" As they continued their argument I realized I was stuck with Berwald again. He was kind of a scary dude and I always tried to to be nice to him but he just scares me so damn much.

I looked around Incase there was anyone left and there was not. Even Arthur had agreed to be the partner to Francis? What kind of reality are we living in, that things did not make any sense. "I guess we will be partners in gym too" I looked to Berwald nervously.

Mathias tells me he isn't a bad guy that he only has a "resting bitch face" but, I feel like he is mad at me, He doesn't even speak to me. "Mhmmm" he hummed. Again with no speaking!! Did he really dislike me that much? I hardly interact with him! What would he have against me? I swear I am a really nice guy....at least, I think I am.

We both stood back to back ,wrapping our arms around ourselves for the warm up. I actually just realized something!!! If I keep letting him scare me, he won't ever take me seriously. I need to be able to show that I am not scared and that I can stand my ground too.

"On your marks" the gym teacher started. This was finally my chance! My chance to show that I was not weak.
"Get set.." she continued. I held onto his arms tightly ready for the whistle to blow. "GO!!!!!"

With a swift motion, I lifted Berwald off of the ground and onto my back. I am sure the whole time he was thinking he was going to go easy on me. Well I am sure I surprised him a lot.

The point of the exercise was to try and lift the other person up, or to see who was stronger. I was going to make sure he did not lift me up off the ground, and I knew exactly how to do it. As I started to feel his body wiggle, as if trying to place his feet on the floor, I started to run laps around the gymnasium.

Everyone stopped their warm up to watch me carry Berwald on my back as I ran around the gym. I felt great! Like I could do anything, and I know for a fact it showed Berwald who was the stronger one.

After my fifth lap, I placed him on the ground and looked him with success filled eyes. "I am stronger than you!" I laughed pointing. Berwald face soon turned from shock to still as he suddenly lifted his hands up.

"Hey...what are you doing?" I asked backing up.
"HAHA TINO IS IN FOR IT NOW!!" Mathias yelled. I looked to him and back to Berwald in a scared confusion. "Wait, calm down, I was just having a laugh" I said confused and scared.

Berwald wrapped his arms around me and lifted me up in the air over his head. "No!! I don't like being this high! Put me down" I cried. I started to wiggle my body around, but everyone just sat still staring at me. "What are you doing!!! Help me Mathias!!!???? Emil?! Lukas?!"

Lukas took out his phone and started to record as they all shook their heads at me. "Nah, this is so much funnier to watch" Mathias laughed. THAT BASTARD!!!

Berwald began to run with me up in the air and I think I was about to throw up my lunch all over him and the gym floor. "NO WAY DUDE! IT LOOKS LIKE YOU ARE FLYING!!" Alfred laughed and pointed to me.

Once Berwald places me door, I quickly ran to a near by trash can, and proceeded to throw up in it. "Why would you do that?" I asked shocked and annoyed. "Well....I thought we were playing a game of who was stronger...."

He finally spoke? And that is all he had to say for lifting me in the air for a solid ten minutes. I looked to him annoyed and he glared back at me. I felt utter horror go up my spine as I closed my eyes nervously. "Fine you win....just don't look at me like that" I said sadly.

I walked past him,but he grabbed onto my shoulder roughly. "What is it now?" I asked scared. Berwald just stared at me and didn't say a word. "Yeah....you are just trying to scare me, I get it now" I said sadly.

I quickly walked away from him and back to Emil and Lukas who gave me thumbs up. "I swear, he probably wants to murder me" I said to Lukas. "Hmmm..... I don't think so. He just has a hard time talking to people.....see" Lukas pointed to Berwald trying to hold the door open for a couple girls. But....they got scared and ran away.

"I see.....I get it now" I said a bit defeated. That was still no excuse for hurling me in the air. "You should try talking to him more, he could use a friend, a close one I mean" Emil added. "Maybe, I guess it wouldn't hurt to try and be nice....I mean it won't be easy"



Hopefully we will see a winner soon❤️

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