#15***The great escape(LietBel)

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"You must learn to keep up after yourself miss, if your brother sees the kind of messes you have been making, he will be upset" I spoke softly. "Whatever, brother doesn't even want to talk to me, so why should I do as he asks?" She pouted. "Please...I know you don't like it , but please just comply" I begged. Looking at her seriously, her face finally softened. The look of anger and disgust finally left her face. "Alright fine, but I am not doing it for you....only ...him" she spoke.

I nodded at her with a smile on my face as I bent down to help clean up her room. She wasn't usually the messy type, but it seemed as if she had been really frustrated lately. For awhile,her obsessive behavior for her brother was too much. She cared about him too much and made sure that she was his number one. However, things were catching up to her , due to the fact that he started to see someone romantically. What was more surprising to her was the fact that the other person was a guy.

"Hey...Toris...?" Her soft voice made me look at her quickly. Hearing her sound so nice shocked me. She was always mad , especially at me. I tilted my head concerned and she tried not to look at me "yes?" I asked. She continued to look down,away from my state. She was struggling to ask me or tell me what was on her mind. "As your personal assistant, I promise to never speak a word to anyone. You may ask me anything you please"

"Yes...I know....well. I want to run away." She spoke. "And I want you to come with me."

My eyes widened at what she said and I had no idea what to say. If her brother found out ,he would be angry. Everyone was afraid of him, and worse!!! She wants me to go with her. Ivan would murder me!! And if that happens I will never be able to be reunited with my best friend Felix. Yet, if I did leave with her, I would be free to actually find him. "I see"

"Please, I have been thinking about it for awhile, and if we take the tunnel underneath the house, we will make it out outside of the gates" she spoke. My eyes widened again as I dropped what I was doing. I walked over to her and grabbed her hand. Pulling her to sit down on her bed beside me. "Have you been down there miss? If your brother found out, he would be angry, and he would...he would kill me-."

"Yes!!! I know! Listen please, if we go together, we have a better chance of staying alive. Plus, don't you want to see Felix again? He has us trapped here, but don't you want to escape?" She looked to me nervously as I noticed sweat fall down her forehead.

I studied her expression and she seemed determined to do this. It would be wrong to go against Ivan, but I wanted to escape too. Just as much as she did. "What about your sister?" I asked. "She has no desire to leave, she loves it here. But you and I!! We can make it out together" she smiled slowly. It was the first smile I had seen in a very long time.

"Alright then, I will assist you, but I only say this, that we leave tomorrow night,together, at midnight" I said seriously. She nodded her head seriously as she began to think. "I must pack now then" she said. "No, it would be too obvious, no clothes, we must only take what we need. Like food" I said. She nodded at me understanding and we both separated.

The next night, I waited by the entrance of the tunnel. She was waiting for her brother to fall asleep before she met me over here. I was completely scared of course, if we were to get caught, there would be so many consequences.

"I am here" a whispered called to me. I turned around quickly seeing her in her summer clothes. Of course she looked stunning ,but there was no way I was going to tell her that. "Great, I packed us a weeks worth of food, let's go" I smiled. As she looked to me shocked, I began to see her trying to force a smile away. "Yes ,lets"

She quickly grabbed and lit a candle up so we could see in the darkness of the tunnel. I opened the steel door and we both looked inside slowly. "Well, here goes nothing" she whispered. As we both walked in slowly, we looked to each other nervously, we had no idea what we were doing,and this was happening so fast.

"Let's go" I spoke softly. I held her hand in mine tightly and as if reassuring her it was going to be okay. She looked up to me slowly, soon releasing that beautiful smile of hers. "I trust you" she spoke softly. We started to walk hand in hand, we had about 5 hours of walking in here before we reached the exit, and 8 hours before Ivan realized we were gone. "Thank you again Toris" she spoke quietly. She tried to hide her face that was turning red.

I continued to hold her hand as we walked straight, and slowly. "Anything for you miss Natalya , anything for you" I smiled softly. I would follow her anywhere she asked me to, she was my everything after all, and I was her assistant.

Thanks for reading so far!!!
Don't forget to like the chapters for the challenge.

The challenge that ends 2/29/2020

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