#12*** You what?!(HongKongxIceland)

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"Emil...Emil...Emil...lets be friends...please?"
"I don't want to..."
"Please just leave me alone, for the last time." Emil finally stormed out of the classroom as I felt hopeless. "Hey, don't worry, sometimes he is hard to get through with. Ever since his eldest brother graduated , he has just been antisocial" Lily looked to me sadly after hearing the door slam closed.

I wanted to come to this school because I thought I could be closer to Emil ,but I guess he wants nothing to do with anyone. I looked around and felt a bit miserable, I really wanted his attention. "Maybe try something spontaneous for him? I hear anyone would like that!" Eduard move his glasses up in a respectable manor as he smirked. "Spontaneous? What on earth is considered spontaneous?" I asked.

"How about a hug? I hear they can be therapeutic?" Lily suggested. "Hmmm....I think he would rip me to shreds if I tried to touch him" I laughed nervously. However, if it is a quick one may be alright. "I say you just go for it, maybe he needs a small push so the two of you can be friends"

Eduard and lily both looked to me happily as I nodded. They were right, sometimes I needed to try harder. I am sure Emil was lonely and actually needed a friend but was too scared to put himself out there. I want to be that friend to him, so that maybe one day we can be great friends. That is all I really wanted at the moment, every time I looked at him, I was so happy. I remember meeting him in the summertime, we got along well,but he changed now. I wonder what happened to him that made him act this way.

I watched as Emil re entered the room, trying to avoid eye contact with me. "lily, get your phone camera ready please, I need you to take a picture of me and Emil as fast as you can"I smirked. She looked at me confused, but still did as I asked. "Oh, okay" she said confused. I waited for Emil to take a seat in his desk that was in front of mine. I looked to Lily who was basically waiting for me to give the okay. "Emil..."

"For the last time, no" he spoke. He was writing something down, however, I placed my left hand on the his forehead, and my right hand on his cheek. Slowly turning his head to face me, until my arm was basically around him. I leaned my head in closer to him as I kissed his right cheek softly. I felt his anger through every movement, but Lily was able to get a picture. "What the hell are you doing?" He asked.  He was still letting me hold him, only he had a lot of anger building up. I could see it in his eyes as he looked at me. Also, by how tightly he was holding onto his pen. Hopefully he does not try and stab me.

I continued to hold our heads close to each other. He was looking at me as I puckered lips mischievously. "I want to be your friend, please give me a chance, I will do anything to get close to you again" I spoke. "That doesn't mean you can respond to sexual harassment" he glared. Emil pulled himself away from me as he turned around,crossing his arms. "Would you like me to send you the picture?" Lily asked.

She showed me the picture and I felt so happy. He looked so cute, and we looked like a couple. "You took a picture?! Hey delete that now!!" Emil jumped up turning red. He was so cute when he showed emotions that were not hostility. "Yes please send the picture to my phone"

"Ughhhh!!! Don't ignore me!!" He snapped. Lagos, calm down , calm down, it is just for a keep sake. Actually, I will delete the picture for good if you have a friends night out with all of us" I smiled. I pointed to Lily and Eduard who smiled at him happily. "Plus another as well" Eduard cheered. "Plus another" I smiled.

We looked to Emil who closed his eyes, finally calming down from the whole situation. He finally breathed out and looked back to us with calm eyes. He looked as if he had forgot he was mad at me. "Fine...but only one time, and I want that picture deleted, you hear me?" He asked pointing to me. "Oh yes of course, I am a man of my word after all" I smiled. Emil looked so cute when he got so serious, I wanted to squeeze him.

"So what will we be doing?" He asked confused.
"My brother and I ...we actually have a annual family party....somewhat. Our dad invites a bunch of close business friends and I want you to come. So it was not like a night out, more like a night in....a fancy one." I laughed. He looked to me shocked as if not knowing what to say. "Like fancy? As in rich people?" He asked confused. "Well.....I guess, sure" I said shrugging. Hopefully that did not make him uncomfortable.

"When is it? I have to dress nice? I only have sweaters and school clothes" Emil started to freak out as he looked to what he was wearing. "Not formal, at least not for us." I said pointing to everyone. "Yeah, my big brother says that formality is not important for us since we aren't the ones speaking or negotiating" Lily spoke quietly.

"See you will be fine. But if you are worried, I can let you borrow something of mine....you are small so it might be hard. OH!!! How about I send a tailor to your house, what is the address" I smiled.
"That does not make it better! Huhhhh, I will just borrow something...I suppose" he said. "Alright, sounds great, I will give you some more details tomorrow, the party is on Friday, so you have time to tell your family. Or invite them , if you wish" I added.

I could see his face turn red as he smiled a bit. "Thank you, Lei" he spoke softly. His face and face gesture made me so excited, but also embarrassed. I felt my face turn red as I nodded at him slowly. "No problem" I said. This was it though! One step closer to being closer to Emil.


I can not stress this enough lmao.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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