#25***Sweet Sound of Music(PrusAus)

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It began a year ago, the love I received working here in the music department of the university. I began teaching here ,but even then, my skills weren't as good as as Roderich. He was the orchestra teacher across the hall and everyday before lunch he played the piano with the door open. Because of this, the entire department always heard his playing.

Every week he played a new piece and I couldn't wait. I would sit outside the door with my eyes closed listening him play Debussy's Arabesque No 1 or No 2. Odd that he seemed to love playing French music.

Today was no different. I grabbed my lunch and sat outside his door to eat and listen to him play. I could tell it was him playing the piano whether I saw him or not. Whenever he play the B flat key, he always seemed to linger on that note for a few seconds.

Besides being a very talented player, he had to be the most gorgeous man I have ever seen. I would definitely go to hell if it meant I could get a piece of that ass. When I first started working here he was the first person that talked to me. He showed me around the department and had such a calm attitude.

I was always afraid to talk to him, but maybe that should change? I feel like him and I could be really good friends. I closed my eyes and let my head rest against the wall behind me. I bet he is a really cool guy who knows about more music. Maybe he would be interested in listening to me play the flute.

I must had been dazed out for too long because the music had stopped. My eyes widened quickly and I was soon shocked to see Roderich looking at me from above. "Gilbert? I wasn't expecting you to be sitting here, can I help you?"

"Hmmm? Oh no, I was just listening really...." I laughed nervously. If I acted or talked too strongly like I always do, he might be scared away so I will cool down my excitement. "Oh? Well come in, no need to sit out here. My playing is open for anyone who wants to listen, professors as well"

He grabbed my wrist and lifted me up to my feet slowly. He seemed very tired from lifting and started to breath heavily. "Come on, if you want, you can sit beside me to listen? If you want of course, I don't want to force you"

"Oh!! That would totally be awesome!!! Yes!!!" I said excited. His eyes widened and smiled a bit at my excitement. "Great! I like when people are excited about music" he laughed. Hopefully that was not too strong, I feel like maybe my shout was a bit too much. I really need to be careful with what I say and how I say it.

I followed him into the room and took a seat beside him at the piano. The room was empty but the sound of the wind coming through the windows made up for the silence. I am sure everyone on the campus could hear his playing as well.

"Have any requests?" He asked. Roderich lifted up the key cover and looked to me with a small smile. "Ahh!! Yes, give me a second to think......how about......hmmmm how about Gymnopédie No one by Erik Satie.....if you can...I don't know if you have sheet music"

"Excellent choice, I don't have sheet music, but this is all in here" he smile touching his head. I smiled at his gestures and closed my eyes slowly, listening to his playing. Occasionally hearing his fingers touch the keys, especially that B flat key.

After about four minutes I opened my eyes slowly, feeling relaxed and content. "That was amazing!" I cheered. I held his hands in mine and caressed them slowly. " you mostly work with woodwind instruments, I didn't think you liked the piano all that much" he laughed.

"Oh I do very much, and I love the way you pour your heart and soul into your playing....it is....magnificent" I smiled. I slowly placed my lips over his hand, as if kissing the top of them. I was grateful to have been able to hear him play up close and personal. I wanted ....no, I hoped to always be like this.

"Roderich, would you do me the honor of letting me listen to you play everyday?" I lifted my head so my eyes were at his level. I looked at his soft features, noticing his cheeks get crimson red. He was so delicate like a flower, and I wanted to cherish every moment I could get with him.

"Uhh.... I do not see why not. I mean, if you really like my playing all that much, it would really be an honor then. Well, as long as you let me listen to you play the flute sometime."
"Hmmm?....you have heard me?"
"Oh yes, it is amazing, I have never heard a sweeter sound. Is it your first instrument?"
"Yes!!! Since I was a boy, I have enjoyed it very much"
"That sounds great, we'll I hope you will let me listen to it sometime then?"
"Yes!!! For sure!! You can listen to me whenever you want"

I was so happy to have heard him, and the fact that he wanted to hear me play only made me feel like I was flying in the air. As if my happiness was the only thing that was lifting me up from the ground, carrying me across the sky.

"Great, now if you excuse me, I will be going to lunch....see you later?" He asked in a hopeful way.
"Yes!!! See you later" I spoke softly. I watched him get up and leave his seat, until he left the room completely. I think I might be in love with him or something.




I only have a few oneshots left so stay tuned

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