#21***My Bestfriends' Girlfriend(Prumano)

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"You need to give up already, how many times do I have to tell you? chiara is with Antonio..."
"Yes I know!! I just don't know what to do"
"I am sorry to say this....but you need to move on" Francis places a hand on my shoulder. I have her forever, but she just happened to be asked out by Antonio first. Despite my attempts to move on, I just couldn't.

It is just crazy how he is telling me this when he was in the same situation not too long ago. However, he didn't end up with Arthur. That is probably why he thinks it's a good idea for me to move on. "I just don't want you to be heartbroken when it doesn't work out" he looked to me sadly.

Now I understood him, but it still made me upset that he had said it. I guess the truth does hurt. "Now come on, Antonio is expecting us for dinner tonight, so try and be on your best behavior" Francis shook his head with a smile.

That night as we arrived at Antonio's house, I was starting to feel miserable. Chiara was there of course, and I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She was beautiful as ever and I wanted to talk to her,but I couldn't build up the courage.

As we sat down to eat it became silent until Antonio broke the silence. "So what ever happened with Arthur?" He asked Francis. "Ahh....I knew you would ask. Well, he doesn't feel the same way, I guess he just loves someone else, I can't really compete with that" Francis said sadly.

"Cheer up, I am sure he is going to realize what a great guy you are" Antonio smiled. "Maybe, but I respect him to understand that he doesn't want to....." the sad aura coming from Francis was too unbearable, I felt for him.

"What about you Gil? He didn't really tell me about the mystery girl of yours" Antonio smiled. Chiara looked to me curiously and I felt my face turn red. "Ahhh, about her, what about her?" I asked nervously. I still tried to look away from her but it was hard when she was staring into my soul.

"Well tell me about her"
"What? Are you sure?" I asked. I could feel Francis staring at me with a disapproval look. "Yeah, I would love to hear about her" Antonio smiled. "Right Chiara?"

"Yeah, why not" she looked to me with a soft expression. The look of curiousness made me want to jump over the table and hold her in my arms. "Well...she ....she has the most beautiful smile" I started.

"She reminds me of sunflowers every time she looks so interested. He laugh is contagious and I would do anything to hear it all the time. I have actually liked her for a really long time, and I don't know if I could keep it anymore" I said sadly. I looked over to Chiara whose eyes started to widened at my gaze.

"What's holding you back?" Antonio asked eating his food. "Well, she is with someone already, so it is hard to say anything."
"Ahh, that sucks. I say you swoop in and steal her away, I am sure she would be lucky to have you" Antonio cheered in suggestion. I looked to Francis who just gave me a horrified look.
"I wish it were that easy, but I guess I know the guy closely" I said looking to Chiara. Hopefully she understood what I wanted to tell her, but couldn't.

Maybe this isn't the right thing to do. Antonio is my friend! Since high school, it is not cool for me to be this way. I feel like I am being a selfish person. "What if she does like you, but is afraid to say something?"

Francis and I looked to Chiara slowly as Antonio continued to eat his food happily. She looked down nervously as my eyes widened. "Maybe, I guess I will never know, unless I asked her" I spoke again. Francis kicked my leg under the table really hard but I continued to ignore him. "Yeah!!! Just go for it" Antonio cheered.

If I were to act on my urges, the friendship I with Antonio will be no more. I don't think I could live wi Th myself if that were to happen. Francis would hate me ,especially after he warned me to not go through with my urges. "You should definitely try it, maybe she might be in the middle of breaking up with the person. It just won't hurt to ask her, you know?" Chiara added.

My eyes widened some more , and soon Francis stood up from the table quickly. "I am going to put my plate in the sink, Gil would you like to go with me?" He asked. "No, I think I will be fine here"

"No, you should come with me" he said pulling me up from my seat. I stood up quickly, taking one more look at Chiara , before following Francis into the kitchen.

"What are you doing?"he asked nearly angry. "Nothing! I am just having a conversation" I said nervously. "Oh whatever! Stop doing that, she is taken and that's that, please don't do this. He is our friend....I don't want any trouble between anyone."

I placed my hand on his shoulder in a reassuring way. "Do not worry about it, I promise it won't be that way. I think I am going to join a dating app or something, or speed dating? I have no idea yet" I said nervously. Okay I lied about it, but I need to find out if Chiara feels the same about me.

I mean, it would be crossing the line to even tell her how I feel. Maybe I should tell Antonio? No!!! That is worse. "That's good then" Francis smiled at me. I just have to get through with this the best that I can do , no matter what. "Definitely, super good"

Thanks for reading , also hopefully your Valentine's Day was nice. My boyfriend and I recently turned two years not too long ago so it was great that we also go to celebrate Valentine's Day.


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