#29***Long time no see(PruHun)

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Growing up, I guess I was considered a weird child. I dressed like a boy and no one really knew I was a girl. Yet! To be fair, my parents never told me it was wrong , because they didn't think it was wrong. They never really help me understand what the difference between a boy and girl were and I was sort of surprised growing up.

I had a friend as a child, his name was Gilbert and he didn't know a thing of who I really was I guess. Tonight after maybe ten years, I was to discuss some things with his family. My parents died two years ago and naturally I had to take over. However, it wasn't like that for him.

Gilbert's mother died at child birth and is father was in the cane car accident my parents were in. This was the first time the two of us will see each other since we were ten. I was nervous whether he would accept this new me.

In college, I learned to combine both sides of myself. That boyish behavior with a new lady that I have learned is okay to be and not to be at times.

Tonight was the night I saw Gilbert after a long time and I was excited. If I was going to be honest, I had a small crush on him as a child, but It never grew into anything big.

As I got ready for the small dinner between Gilbert and I tonight I began to feel nervous, and thinking of what if's. What if he didn't take me serious anymore, or if he would accept me this way at all. The dinner was in three hours and I knew I had to get my thoughts into place. I tried everything, from jumping jacks and to running around my house to get throws nervous off of me.

"Madam are you okay?" My butler asked.
"Yes!! Just blowing off steam" I laughed nervously.
"The more you do that, the more sweaty you will get, and you will need to take another bath. Gilbert will be displeased at how you look."
"What!!! Am I that hideous?"
"What?! No! I am saying you will look a mess if you don't stop, you have been at it for an hour and a half and you need to hurry and get ready."

My eyes widened at what he said "how long have I-?" I asked confused. "And hour and a half!!! Now hurry and get dressed" he said angry. I wanted to faint realizing I had about an hour to get dressed left. I hurried from where I was and ran up the steps to my room quickly to get dressed. I am going to make a fool of myself I just know it.

When it was near the time for him to arrive I stood by the entrance of the door nervously. I had on my regular business attire and I was to greet Gilbert once he walked in.

"He is here, are you ready?" My butler asked. "No, but I have to get it over with" I laughed out nervously. The doors to my house opened slowly and I saw his tall figure standing at the doorway. It had shocked me to have seen him after only remembering that ten year old boy those years ago.

He finally looked at me and his eyes widened. "Héderváry?" He asked confused. "Please, just call me Elizabeta" I spoke. He always called me that as a child because of my parents and now I want him to use my name. "Elizabeta?....you are.." Gilbert tried to speak but all he could do was walk closer to me.

His mouth was open and his eyes were wide. "Close your mouth, you will catch flies" I spoke. "It is you....you were a girl this whole time? And I didn't notice? Wait! You didn't tell me! Also, this explains a lot I guess....every time you fell down you would cry a lot"

I started to feel annoyed at him as I pulled him to the dining area. "I know we have work to do, but I would really like it if we didn't talk business tonight, and that you will stay the night? Like old times sake?" I asked with a smile. He looked to me seriously and smiled back as well. "Yes....of course, what would you like to do first?" He asked with a gaze so pure.

"I want to eat a lot of food, I am starving" I laughed. "It's been nice seeing you again, I've missed you so much" he spoke seriously. "I as well, feel the same way. Hopefully we can be great business partners in the future, Gilbert" I spoke softly.

He sat down beside me and there was a feast for two spread out already. "Wow , all of this looks amazing" he spoke. "Thank you! The servants made it. I make sure they are happy and well so that I too can be happy and well. No one likes a person to treat their staff badly. It is just human decency." I laughed.

Gilbert nodded his head a began to eat some food. "You look beautiful too, I was expecting to see a man, but you seem a lot more sweet and kind than when we were younger. So I was glad you were not going to beat me up or something, which I am sure you would still be able to do."

I laughed at what he said and nodded my head. "Only for emergencies" I continued. I placed my hand on his and smiled at him. His face got red and I was worried he was getting sick. "Are you alright?" I asked concerned.

"Me? Or yes, just a bit hot I guess" he laughed nervously. "Would you like me to turn up the air?" I asked. "No! No, it's fine, I am fine, please stay" he started. Gilbert grabbed my hand and I felt happiness in my stomach. Once he let go the happiness was gone. Like I wanted him to hold me or something.

"I haven't seen you in awhile and I just want to spend time with you" he added. "Alright....fine then" I smiled. He was a very handsome man, I wouldn't object if he wanted to hold me, but I guess that would never happen. I shook my head and tried to snap out of it and luckily I did. I was way over my head over this.

This was the last one, hope you liked it!!!!


Anyways doing this one reminded me of that Yaoi anime love stage. Idk if y'all have seen it before but it is really good.

Anyway, thanks for reading so far❤️❤️

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