#3*** He's the model!!!?(Lietpol)

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I wanted to be an agent and this is what I get. Working for a modeling agency was not my top pick, I thought I would be sent to sports or something...but this.... I felt like a failure. "Toris!! Don't forget, today you have to meet your new client"Alfred called. He was the one that assigned me to this position in the first place. "Yes....I know" said in a miserable way. "Come on dude! Cheer up! I told you I knew this was a perfect job for you, so just trust me" he smiled brightly.
"Okay...if you say so" I said nervously

Alfred handed me a bunch of papers and saluted me. I really regret applying to work here now. I slowly looked at the papers and saw that the building to the modeling place was not far. I could take a cab to get there and it would probably take five minutes. The paperwork Alfred gave me says that my client has a shoot today "Feliks Łukasiewicz...." I pronounced. So my client was a guy, that makes me feel better...a little. I guess I should hurry and speak to him before he leaves for the day. I checked the time as I grabbed my things to leave the office quickly.

As I looked through the file, I noticed there was no picture of him. "That is weird, usually it comes with at least one photo" I said to myself. Maybe Alfred forgot to place a photo in the file, it would explain it. He is always forgetting to do important things. I walked into the elevator slowly as I waited patiently to get to my floor. "Oh hello toris, I see you got your new assignment, are you on your way to the modeling firm?" Arthur had walked beside me, walking into the elevator. He pointed at my file and I nodded.

"Yes....sadly it wasn't really the kind of thing I wanted but I guess we have to start somewhere.....how is your person?" I asked looking to the file in his hand. His face grew sour as he held his hand in a fist. "If I have to hear that primadonna bastard utter another word of my sense of style, I think I am going to lose it" he said annoyed. Arthur had been assigned a position in modeling last week and he had been dealing with a notorious model that was know to be difficult. Alfred thought he would be able to handle it.

"Francis, today I am going to kick your ass!" He said with venom. He seemed determined at his assignment, the complete opposite of me. I was just trying to get through this one day at a time. I suppose I should show more willpower like Arthur. "Anyway though, how about we take a cab there together, I was in my way anyway" he started to straighten himself out and smile  at me. "Yeah sure....that will be fine" if we went together, he could help me find my way faster.

On the way to the building, Arthur explained to me the basics of the lay out of the building. How he even got lost a few times when he first was assigned there. I was really happy because he made it way easier to look at once we got into the building. I knew where to find the room I needed to go to and I felt a lot more confident. "Arthur! Back so soon? That is great, I missed you dearly" a man came out of no where and started to hug Arthur. I looked to Arthur who was obviously kissed that the man was touching him. "Come on, can't you look a little happier to see me?" The man asked.

That is when it happened, Arthur had snapped. "I will be happy if you actually get your work done!!! For starters you have a shooting right now that you are supposed to be at. Why are you here!!?" Arthur pushed him away and started to lecture him. I guess that was the Francis he wanted so badly to kill. He was really handsome, and he just let out an awkward smile as he heard Arthur's lecture. "You are so cute" he laughed. Arthur soon grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and dragged him to a direction. "Good luck Toris" Arthur said in anger. Francis waves by to me with a goofy grin on his face, as he let Arthur drag him away.

I shook my head at the situation and walked up the stairs quickly. I still had another thirty minutes before Felix left but I wanted to get there just early enough to speak with him. I looked at the map , and the room I circled where he would be and easily found the place. "Thank you Arthur" I whispered as I opened the door.

I heard the clicking of cameras as I slowly entered the room. On the file , it said that the client is pretty easy to handle. I mean that he does not cause a lot of trouble with previous agents. Which makes me wonder why he has had so many. What went wrong with one of them. I walked around a fake wall and stood shocked. "No, this might be the wrong room" I said confused. I started to shuffle through my papers confused and scared as I looked around. That model was a woman, why on earth did the paper say I was in this room?!

I looked around scared as I finally noticed that the woman was looking at me. Great! She knows I am not supposed to be in this room!! I am so dead, what if she thinks I am creep or something. I looked at her nervous as she had a smile start to go across her face. She stopped what she was doing and started to walk towards me with a smirk. No way!!! What's going on?

As she got closer, I was able to see more of her features, she was really beautiful. That is besides the point!!! What if I get in trouble for interrupting the shoot? "Hey man, your face is like so stupid when you look nervous"

I stood still once I heard her voice. It was deeper than I expected it to have been. She started to laugh at me as I stared at her confused. "Are you my new agent they told me about? You seem like you have no idea what to do" she added with laughter. "No... Felix....he is"

"Yeah man, that is me, I am Feliks Łukasiewicz" she said and now I suddenly realized soon that she....was actually a he. I felt like I wanted to scream! For a split second I though she-uh he was a beautiful woman. "Ahhh Toris, we weren't expecting you today, I am glad you were able to meet Felix....sorry about the sudden meeting though" a man I recognized from the agent fire walked to us as I continued to stare at Felix confused.

"I was expecting a beautiful woman, but I guess he will have to do." Felix laughed and I felt anger rush through me.
"All you have to do is do everything I say and we will be friends" he patted my head like a mother before wrapping an arm around me. "So sorry about this, I must go now! By Toris!! Good luck" the man from my agency who I remembered to be Kiku ran off.

I think I have a feeling I know why all his other agents flaked on him. I turned to look at Felix who had his hands on his hips , smiling at me so happy. "Come on, follow me Toris" he started to pull me to a dressing room but I refused to go in with him. "Oh don't be a baby, we are both men" he laughed. I finally let him pull me inside the room and he immediately started to strip in front of me.

"I can wait outside, it is no problem" I said nervously. "You are totally funny, I like you" he laughed. By then I had covered my face with a towel he had folded in a makeup station. Why was this man modeling for women's clothes? It made no sense. Is it because he looked really feminine?

I finally looked at him from underneath my towel and saw he had gotten dressed quickly. I breathed out relived as Felix looked to me trying to put his coat on. He had gotten dressed sloppy and even his tie was undone. "Listen, although it will be difficult, I am willing to work with you the best I can. I am .....excited to work with you!!" I said nearly shouting.

Felix turned to me with a wide smile on his face. He had stopped trying to get dressed and he has mischief all over his face. "Oh? I think I am going to like you a lot" he smiled. The way he presented himself was charming and elegant and looked amazing. Although I was not smiled to be working here, I could at least enjoy it by have a good looking model to work with. "Don't you think? To-ri-s" he said slowly. It sent shivers down my spine but I knew better than to show him how nervous I was. "Yes!!!"

Hey guys!!! Thanks for reading so far.
I want to mention that the way I write the oneshots is so each one can have a story bases. So if its left off on a cliffhanger ....than you better hope that one wins hehehe.

Nah jk jk.....

But really, like the oneshots !!! Who knows, maybe your favorite ship will win. :)

Also I am picking which oneshot to do from my followers on Instagram. I am asking a random follower to pick a number. That number has a ship that I will start to write about :)

So yeah.... the order is random.

Anyway!!!!! Thanks for reading so far ❤️

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