#26***FairyTales of for children(RomaniaxBulgaria)

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Vladimir is a good friend of mine,but at times he can be intense. Especially with his obsession to find a kill a real vampire. I know he is a bit extreme but he is good at heart. "Boris!! I predict that tonight is the night. It's a full moon so there are bound to be vampires out!"
"Hmmm? I thought was only for werewolves?" I said confused.
"Well, then too but vampire as well. This is New Orleans after all, you know the tales. There has to be vampires out every night" he said excited.

So....we took a work trip to the United States, New Orleans of all places. There have been tales or vampires killing people every couple of years. So naturally,Vladimir took a quick interest to the tale that was all too "real"

"Listen, try not to get your hopes up. The people say stories for the sake of tourism and taking you money. If I were you I wouldn't sweat it" I laughed nervously. However, he completely ignored me and went back to reading his book about the New Orleans history. Although he was a bit too old for these kind of tales, I was always happy to see how excited he got.

His eyes would sparkle with joy with any cool new fact. He was like a child, but a very large twenty five year old child at a museum.  I sat back in my chair and watched him read his book with so much interest. I agreed to come on the trip because of him, not only was I scared for him to go alone, but I wanted to be able to spend time with him. Outside of work that is.

Him and I were translators for companies, we knew well over 15 languages, including the Nordic ones. So as our job, we were to be hired by big companies to translate anything they needed to be translated. It was a great job that lets us travel to places like America, but Vladimir was too self consumed. Meaning....he got distracted easily. 

"Look at this!!! The picture of this vampire looks so funny" he laughed. I am sure he would have been fine though, right? "Tomorrow after work we should go to the city tour, I am sure it can be really cool" he suggested. "Sure, I do not see why not. I wonder how much they cost, or where to even pay for one."

"I will take care of that!!! I actually know someone here"
"What? Who?"
"Alfred!!! Remember! We met him last year in France. He mentioned he lived here I think. I have his number still , he did say to ask him if we need anything."
"What?! That was a year ago! I doubt he would remember anything like that!!"
"Hmmm? Not everyone is forgetful like you" he laughed.

I sat against my chair once again annoyed. I doubt Alfred would have time to help us do anything. He is a very busy man, and this is extremely last minute. It would be rude to even consider asking him for help.

"He said yes!!!!" Vladimir held his phone up to show me and I felt defeated once again. "Really? Doesn't that guy have anything better to do?" I asked confused. "I guess not....but why question it. He said he would give us a tour of the city whenever we wanted. I think we should trust him, he is super rich and has been everywhere in the United States. It makes sense why he knows so much about everything."

"Well yeah....but are you sure?" I asked. I stood up from my seat and sat down beside him. His face looked soft and delicate, and I wanted to hold it in my hands. "Come on, it will be fun, just trust me!" He smiled sweetly.

"Alright fine, I will trust you. But tone it back a bit with the vampire stuff, what if Alfred thinks it's too intense. I mean, I don't mind it, but how will other people react to your.....your....intensity..."

"Yes I know, don't worry, it will be like I am surprised....which I will be anyway." He chuckled happily.

I placed an arm around him and held him closer to me. "Sure" I laughed. His hair smelled as if he had washed it with honey and oats. "What kind of shampoo do you use?" I asked curiously. "You like it right? I made it myself. Maybe you can try it tonight" he cheered.

"Well, if you do, you have to put it in my hair for me.....in the shower...." I spoke seriously. His face went from pale to red in a matter of a few seconds. "What?! Why would you say that?" He asked stuttering.

I laughed at his behavior and shook my head. "I was only joking with you....I mean, unless you wanted to get in the shower with me, then I really have no objections to that. I wouldn't mind" I laughed. "Hey!!! Don't just be saying stuff like that!!! It's embarrassing."

He tried coving his face but as I stared at his delicate features, I couldn't help but smile. "Don't cover your face, you look cute" I laughed. "UGH!!! I am not cute!" He said annoyed. "Ahhh, you are a little....I like it" I smiled amused.

He was the most cutest and handsomest and perfect person I had ever met. From now on!!! I will make sure to tell him that he is all the time. Or.....whenever I get the chance to do so of course.



Thanks for reading so far.
Also the whole New Orleans thing is real. So when I visited in the summer I did a city tour and vampires would kill people every few years which recently happened last year I think.
If I remember.....

But yeah it was crazy, and if this one wins I will go deeper into it in the book. But really there are other oneshots that might win.
Who knows

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