#22***Death to the Princess of Austria(nyoAusHun)

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Princess Anneliese of Austria, I was to assonate her tonight, as soon as I did, it was to start a war. If I get this done, I was able to go back to my home country of Hungary, have no care in world. I needed to all I could to get back to my family.

I snuck around the castle all day until it was finally about to be night. I hid in a bush near the the room where the princess slept, and I was ready to do what I must. I know killing someone random or unrelated to me is the wrong thing to do. There is no excuse for it, especially since I know the princess is so young, but I am being forced to do it. If I don't, the people who kidnapped me will kill my whole family. I had to make sure that I had everything in order.

Seeing the last few guards leave inside the castle, I took the chance to run across towards the window , and climb up in some veins to reach the inside of the room. It is just one person, besides it causing a war, I have no care for what happens to these royals. In fact, the sight or royalty makes me sick, they think they are better than everyone else , when in fact they aren't.

It makes me angry whenever one of them tries to act like they are a god, when in fact they are just regular people like me, or anyone else for the matter. I would rather get this assassination over with already, I am losing sleep doing this.

Once I climbed into the balcony , I bent down quietly and waited a few minutes. I didn't want to make too much noise, to where the princess woke up, or worse, the guards heard me.

I slowly crawled over to the door handle,wiggling it a bit to see if it was unlocked. Having to unlock it would be too much trouble and I would definitely get caught. I wiggles the door knob some more, and soon it opened up with a light creak.

The room was dark of course ,but I crawled on the floor slowly, towards the humongous excuse of a bed. I took out my dagger and stood up from where I was. This better be worth all the trouble I will be getting myself into.

"Who are you?" A sweet voice made me freeze in my spot. I looked over to the bed and the princess was sitting up. She lit a candle up quickly and I ran over to her, placing my hand over her mouth to make sure she didn't make a noise. "If you make a noise, I will slip your throat right now"I said seriously.

She stopped talking and looked at me with a serious gaze. "Seems like your plan was to kill me in the first place" she said sadly. I grabbed her arms and pinned them down against the bed, as I hovered over her body. "You have done the people of this kingdom wrong princess Anneliese, the only way to pay them back is through your death"

I got closer to her and her face softened. "As if I am the reason for my parents doing. I have not been coronated yet, so everything that is done has been through my late father. Sounds to me like they want to over throw this monarch. However, do you have the courage to go through with it?" She asked.

I looked into her eyes and felt my heart beat faster. So much so that with my free hand I held the dagger up in front of her. However, she didn't seem to bothered by it now. "Do what you must, I don't really care" she said.

I looked at her confused and tried to stick the dagger in her heart. Yet, I could not find the strength to kill this woman. Besides from the obvious reason, I felt like she was looking deep into my souls other those eyes of hers. I could do anything but look away from the beautiful crystal orbs.

I pushed myself away from her , seeing her sit up slowly. Studying my every movement as if she were a snake about to strike. "I knew you wouldn't do it, figures. You are the fourth person to try and assassinate me, but continue to fail. Please tell me why that is? Am I not worthy of death?"

I felt confused by her words and sat down beside her. "Do you want to die?" I asked confused. "Death is a better option than ruling over a kingdom going no where" he answer was vague ,but I had no other choice than to accept it. "You aren't a killer, I could see it in your eyes as you held that dagger over me. You don't have a single killer instinct"

"I was forced to do this, and I guess I failed....I won't be able to make it back to Hungary." I said sadly. I had given up so easily, but I guess that made sense. I really did not want any part of this scheme.

"I see, if you stay here, I will make sure you make it back to Hungary safely" she spoke. "But in return, you are to guard me with your life. At least for the next few days, I sense something big is coming. So much so, that there will be nothing left of me. Do we have a deal?" She asked.

I thought about it for a moment , until I didn't anymore. "What else do I have to lose?" I said. I got down on one knee, and bowed down to her. "I will do anything to get back home" I said seriously. "What is your name?" She asked sweetly. Her eyes sparkled in the moon light and it seemed like everything stopped around us.

"Daniel....your majesty Anneliese"

Thanks for reading the oneshots so far. I really updated a lot and I am almost done with these. Maybe like 7 more I think.

Make sure to



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