#20***So this is love (NyoRusame)

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"It's not fair, you and Francine always do things together, and I can't even get one lousy date!!"
"What? First of all, Francine and I have been together for a long time, so it's only natural we spend a lot of time together, and second you shouldn't worry about stuff like that. If you find someone, then you do, those things shouldn't be rushed."

I looked to Alice who seemed annoyed at my behavior. I suppose that seeing how cute her and Francine are, I want someone to cherish as well. I am already turning 26 soon and I am stuck working an office job. Not very fun! I want to do more and have fun and just enjoy life. But I need money to do that. Alice turned back to her computer, lifting her glasses up. "Actually, Francine wanted to invite you to the beach this weekend....do you want to come?"

My eyes widened with joy as I nodded at her. "Yes please!!! Yes!!" I cheered happily. "Great, we are leaving Friday after work, so make sure to be ready"

"Yes mum!!!!" I cheered.
"Stop calling me mum!!! It makes me feel really old"
"You are though!!"
"Stop before I uninvited you" Alice laughed shaking her head. She really was like a mom, I do not know what I would do without her.

That Friday Alice and Francine picked me up from my house, and Francine even invited another friend. "Amelia, this is Madeline, Madeline, this is Amelia" Francine introduced. "Hello" we spoke in unison, laughing afterwards.

The drive to the beach took a long time, but we arrived at night. Alice told us that she want to arrive at night time so that the next morning she could be at the beach all day and try to get a tan. Which may be a little hard for her since she will just get sunburned.

Besides from that, the night was filled with games and laughter. Francine of course couldn't keep her hands off of Alice despite Alice telling her that it wasn't the time or place. It was really funny to see. I also had the chance to get to know Maddie more and I feel like the two of us could be really great friends.

The next morning, Francine and Alice jumped with joy to go to the beach. They talked about sharing smoothies and ice cream. It was so cute, but made me sad thinking about how lonely I was getting. I know I was still young but I wanted to meet someone, start a relationship. To one day have kids or something, I don't know.

"Drive caster Francine! I am so excited" Alice cheered. She acted so sweet towards her, I wish she was nice to me like that. I wonder if I should try a dating app, I hear those things work. My friend Sakura tried it and found someone pretty quickly.

"We are here!!!"
"Oh yay!!! Okay Francine and I are going to get a head start, can the two of you take the things down?" Alice asked. She opened the car door quickly, removing her shirt and shorts. Revealing her swim suit. "Dear, do not tease me that way" Francine smiled. Gawking are Alice and the little clothes she had on.

"Yeah no problem, see you there" Maddie smiled. She hoped out of the car and did the same as Alice. Took off her shirt and shorts. They had such pretty thin bodies, and here I was. My hips were huge and I probably looked fat in my swim suit.

"I can go head and take everything while you are getting undressed. It's not a lot so I will see you there" Maddie smiled. She quickly grabbed a bunch of the stuff which surprised me of her strength, soon walking towards the direction Francine and Alice ran to.

I guess I had to undress. I looked around and slowly took my shorts off. "That wasn't so bad" I laughed. I then slowly took my shirt off and felt so uncomfortable and nervous. I looked around hoping no one was around to judge me, and luckily there wasn't anyone. "I am fine, just calm down" I told myself.

I put on my sun hat and sandles, walking towards the direction everyone went in. "Man , I really hope a lot of people are not here" I said looking down. It was a nice walk until I was push forward. Like someone punched me in the back really hard. "HEY!!! Watch it!!-."

"Uhhhh.....?" Was all I could say. The girl, she was on the floor running her head. She looked so....so beautiful. Her long hair and pale skin were extravagant to me. "I am so sorry, I fell, did I hurt you?" She asked. Her voice was sweet and reminded me of honey for some reason.

She looked up to and I placed a hand in front of her to grab. "No, it is fine, are you okay?" I asked. She grabbed my hand and lifted herself up. She was way taller than me and I was not expecting it. She was like a model or something, a very tall Russian model.

That is when I remember that I was nearly naked and I was sure my stomach was too big to be shown. I quickly covered my stomach and she looked at me confused. "What is wrong?" She asked. Her tilted head reminded me of a puppy, the most cutest puppy in the world.

"Nothing....it was nice meeting you. Really, but I should go."
"Wait! What's your name?" She grabbed my hand and pulled my closer to her. My stomach was once again uncovered and I felt nervous. "Amelia, you?" I asked with widened eyes.

She was so close to me and looked beautiful the longer I stared at her. "Anya" she said softly. I pulled my hand away and covered my sides. "Hehe, why do you do that? You have the cutest little body, You should be proud of it." She smiled. My eyes widened at what she said.

"Oh...okay" I said softly. Anya patted my shoulder and waved a goodbye to me. While I walked to where everyone was at I kept the shocked expression on my face. "Amelia? What's wrong?" Alice asked.

"I think I saw an angel"
"What? What are you talking about?"
"I did , I swear"
"Huh, come on" she said softly. I hope that I will one day see Anya once again.

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Thanks for reading so far ❤️❤️

Also I was interested in doing some nyo oneshots but I will see how they come out. Hehe

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