#9***New kid (FrUS)

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Today, was the first day , the first day in a new country and the first time my brother and I ever gone to a school that only spoke one language, it was going to be difficult. Mattie and I had been in foster care for years and after all the times we ran away they finally asked us what we wanted to do. Which we said that we would rather move to Europe. Surprisingly the services allowed it, I guess they did not want to deal with kids like us anymore.

"Here are your classes and hopefully the two of you have a good day"the lady in the office told us. I could only understand French, while my brother was very fluent in it. "We will, thank you" Mattie smiled. I guess I was going to be the quiet one in this school.  I felt a bit annoyed that there was a language barrier but I am sure I will get by. "Looks like we were mostly in those American courses this school has, weird." I spoke looking at the schedule that only had academic courses, no electives or anything, made me sad.

"Yeah, I hear French students take the courses to challenge themselves, they must be super smart here" Mattie laughed nervously. "Yeah, I think so too" I answered. We both started to walk down the hall , trying to find the classroom. "Damn it, we have been going in circles, where the hell is it!" I shouted annoyed. I looked around and we were completely lost. "I have no idea! H Th eh didn't give me a map!" Mattie said. "A map? We are not going treasure hunting! They could have given us directions" I said worried. Great we were really going to be late now.

We stopped in the hallway and both looked at each other nervously. "Let's ask for directions from a class" I spoke. However Mattie stopped me. "No wait! What if we get in trouble" he said worried. "It will be fine-." One of the doors slammed open and a teacher looked at us very confused. "Are you two the new students?" He asked. My and Mattie then began to nod quickly. The woman smiled at us as she urged us to come in the classroom. "Everyone , May I have your attention! We have two new students today they are brothers from America....and sometimes Canada" she looked at a paper laughing nervously.

"We were born in Canada and moved to America, now here" Matthew spoke perfect French and I was jealous. "Right, so introduce yourselves" the teacher smiled. "My name is Matthew and it is nice to meet you" my brother smiled. Matthew looked to me worried as I started to freak out, I just need to do my best. "Name...Alfred. Thank you, good" I tried saying something in French but it fucked up. Everyone looked to Mattie and then me and wondered if we were even related.

However, Mattie was too busy giving me a thumbs up to notice the situation. He was too sweet as ever or course. "Great, just take some seats, we have lunch in another thirty minutes, that is about two hours" the teacher smiled. I felt joy knowing that lunch was two hours long. Wow! Never mind! This place is amazing. I took a seat by Mattie in the back, and noticed the blonde guy next to me. He had long beautiful hair and I almost mistook him for a girl. I slowly looked over his shoulder to what he was doing and saw him drawing, I am sure he must have been bored here.

"Drawing...good" I whispered in terrible French. He looked to me with a smile and chuckled a bit. "You sound cute when you can't speak French" he smiled. I felt my face turn red as I tried to look away to Mattie, but of course he wasn't paying attention. He was trying to figure himself out. I looked back to the French student who was still watching me with happiness. He placed his head on his palm staring at me.
"What?" I asked confused.

"You can understand French but you don't speak it....that is interesting" he whispered. Once again , I had began to be embarrassed. "If you come to my house after school, I can teach you how to speak French" he winked. The student placed his finger on his lips and tilted his head in a cute way. It was almost terrifying. I shook my head in a "no" and tried to look away.

After hearing his deals move closer to me , I slowly looked at him confused. "My name is Francis, I hear cool things about America, we should be friends" he smiled. I had no idea how to respond, what words do I use? "Yes" I spoke nervously. I thought I was going to pass out from being overwhelmed. "Great, let's meet up after school and I can introduce you to friends" he smiled.

I quickly looked away and to Mattie who looked at me confused. "He wants us to meet his friends after school, should we go?" I asked. "Oh....I guess? I have no idea" Mattie laughed nervously. I looked to Francis again with a smile. "Brother...and I , go" I smiled happily. It looked like he was trying not to laugh at how I was saying things.

"Great, let's meet in the front of the school, it will be nice to talk to you more" he smiled. I nodded at him slowly and turned back to the empty journal I had brought. I should really learn how to speak French, or at least write down some easy phrases for myself as a start.

"WHAT!!! YOU SPOKE ENGLISH THIS WHOLE TIME AND NEVER TOLD ME!!!!" The end of the day had came and Francis told me he understood English this whole time..... great. "If I did not tell you, I would not be able to hear you speak in that cute accent anymore" he laughed. I looked to Mattie who tried looking away. Francis has brought some of his friends, so Mattie was pretty distracted already. "Sorry Alfred, but I guess I wanted to mess with you to" Francis smirked. "You know how many things I could not pronounce ?" I said crying in a fake way.

"So Alfred, what's your favorite food?"
"Hmmm? Damn how do you say burgers in French.... Mattie isn't here" I whispered. Francis looked to me with a wide smile as he waited for my answer. "Cow meat......?" I spoke nervously. Once again, Francis tried to refrain from laughing at my answer.

~flashback end~

That bastard , he heard me say that and still acted as if he did not know. "Ahh yes...we are going to be great friends" he smiled, placing an arm around me. "Don't think I will forget that joke so easily" I said annoyed. "Sure thing" he laughed. I guess now I had to bust out my Alfred skills and prank him back!!! The American way!!!

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