#23***Unlikely Friends (NorBel)

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"Class president Lukas, and Vice President Natalya are an iconic duo, they know how to get things done!"

"I heard that president Lukas eats a bagel every morning, so I started to eat a bagel every morning"

"Vice President Natalyas' hair is all natural. I wish my hair was that silky and beautiful"

"The president and Vice President would make such a cute couple!"

The murmurs of the hallway continued in a very annoying fashion. "Okay that's enough everyone, you all need to go to class" Lukas spoke. He had a calm collected tone that did not care about anyone but himself. Although losing the election to him was a waste, I swear that I will make a come back next year.

"Yes sir" some of the students said. Running off in a worried way. "You think you are so cool huh?" I asked annoyed. "No, I am just doing my job, just like you should be doing. You walk around the halls glaring at everyone, and more and more people are starting to notice it. Keep yourself under control , Vice"

Him calling me Vice only pissed me off more. "I don't take orders from people who don't show basic emotions" I snarled. "Heh, you act like a child. Now, get to class Natalya"He ordered.  Again with his goody two shoe behavior, I wish he would drop dead already.

As I started to walk away, he stopped me by putting a hand on my shoulder. "Don't forget about the meeting after school, we need to come up with fundraisers for the the class. Prom is not going to pay for itself after all"

I pulled myself away from him, and nodded at what he said. "Fine, I will make sure to write down any idea I may have during the day" I added. "Great, we need as many ideas as we can get"

All day the only thing I could think of were bake sales, or maybe a bingo thing. All of them seemed lame so I knew Lukas was going to give me shit for "not caring" enough. That bastard, that is exactly what he would say to me.

"Alright, did all of you come with an idea?" Lukas asked. Everyone stayed silent until Feli raised his hand first. "I think we should do a car wash and have the girls volunteer to do it!" He shouted excited. My eyes widened in anger and looked to Lukas in disbelief. This is exactly why I wanted to join the class representatives, guys kept making sexist fundraisers and the girls were tired of it. "Wait a minute! I object to that idea!"

"I think everyone will have a chance to speak, please Wait your turn" Lukas looked to me seriously. I swear I was close to murdering that guy. "What if the girls refuse to volunteer for that?" Lukas asked. "No worries, I know plenty of girls willing to do it. Maybe some guys too" Yao cheered.

I looked to Lukas some more who was purposely avoiding eye contact with me. "Who here agrees to do this?" He asked. Everyone in the room that wasn't a girl raised their hand up....I was the only girl in the room besides secretary emma who was too scared to say anything.

"Well, Natalya, if you can think of anything better than, the car wash is off"
"Well? You object don't you?"
"Yes...but I ...."
"That is settled then, the car wash wins and Vice , you will be supervising it. Make sure everything goes well, and make sure girls sign up for it" Lukas ordered. He handed me documents and I was nearly about to rip them into shreds.

After the meeting finished, everyone did not take their time to leave the meeting room. So, I was left to clean up their mess. "Vice, great work today. I am sure your ideas would have been good too" Lukas mocked. "Will you shut it already? Stop rubbing things in my face already. The teasing is getting annoying ."

Lukas grabbed my wrist,pulling me closer towards him. "You would know if I was trying to tease you" he whispered. His words made a shiver go down my spine. "What? You are crazy!!!" I shouted. Pushing him away from me, I held a fist to my sides. "Don't ever touch me again. Unless you want to be castrated"

"Huh..... figures you only act like this. Very well then, I can not control the type of person you are. However, I expect you to be on your best behavior for this event, I need your help to make sure everything goes accordingly."

"Why give me this task when it was obvious I objected to it?"
"Because, I like messing with you"
"Huh?!!! You idiot! I knew you were teasing me!" I yelled at him. "I would say it's more of fun, the day I tease you , is the day you finally stop yelling" he spoke.

Once again, my nerves were all over the place and I felt unsettled once more. "I must say that I am excited to see the color swim suit you will be wearing Vice President. I think maybe purple is your color, like a violet or maybe lavender....maybe" he smiled.

His smile made me feel confused as he walked past me to leave. That guy purposely put me in charge just to see me in a swim suit. If you ask me, He is more of a pervert than a president.



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