#13***My Neighbor(SpainxBelgium)

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Okay, so maybe I wasn't the best at relationships, but I tried my best to meet new people. Lovino has been bugging me about going on dates, but I think it is hard to really find the right girl who is really interested in me. Especially since I am looking for a girl who I will one day plan to marry. I just want to start a family and a life, or maybe was that too much to ask? I have no idea, I feel that maybe I am trying to hard to find the right person. Even though I have been sucking at every second of it.

"So this new house, is it really big?" Lovino lifted his head from his palm as he stared at me annoyed. "Yes! You will like it, promise" I smiled. I was Lovino foster parent for a few years before I finally decided to officially adopt him. I think that with this bigger house, I will be able to adopt more kids like him. However, stuff like that does not really attract women though.

We were near the house, when he finally sat up in his seat and looked out to it. "Is that it?" He asked surprised. "Yes! Do you like it my little tomato?" I asked with a smile. However, his amazement went away as he heard the nickname I called him. "Oh please, take me back to the orphanage" he said looking away. "LOVINO !!! That's not nice" I said a bit sad.

"Oh I am joking, I like you enough I guess" he laughed. "Sure thing, you just like to break my heart" I said in a sad tone Pretending to cry. "Oh please, you are so dramatic" he laughed.

Once we arrived at the house, the moving truck drove in behind us. "I will get the things out" Lovino cheered. He quickly ran out of the car once I finished parking and headed strait for the moving van. "God that kid, what am I going to do with him?" I laughed. Lovino was turning sixteen soon , and I need to start talking to him about college, I wanted him to be prepared for what he decided to do.

I stepped out of the car and looked around at the very large garden. I knew we had neighbors, but I guess I can introduce myself to them tomorrow once I clean this garden up. It was in need of a tripping and a cut, I suppose while Lovino worked on the inside of the house, I can work on the outside.

I walked up the steps to the door, and slowly unlocked the door. It was an old house, and needed some fixing, but with me and Lovino working on it, the house was sure to be finished soon. "I think we should paint the outside of the house, WHAT DO YOU THINK LOVINO?!" I called. "Yeah, that would be cool, what color?" He asked trying to not look excited. "You can pick the color" I smiled.

Lovino walked up to me with a box in his hand as he set it down on the floor. "Are you going to help with the boxes or stand there smiling like an idiot?" He asked.
"Or maybe, you are too old" he added in a teasing way. "Hey now, I am only thirty" I laughed. "Yeah, thirty and still not married" he laughed and started to jog back to the car.
Great, now I really feel old.

The next morning I woke up to see Lovino awake earlier than me. He had finished setting up the kitchen area and now started working on the living room space. "The
Movers out all the garden stuff in the shed" Lovino said. He pointed outside through a window which had strawberry curtains. "Okay great, I am going to get dressed quickly and start working on the yard"

I quickly rushed back to my room and started to get dressed in work clothes as quickly as I could. I grabbed my working hat and made sure I was wearing shorts since it was going to be hot outside today.

"Antonio do you want breakfast?" Lovino called. "I can make breakfast if you want" I answered. "No it is fine! Just go outside and cut the grass already" he said. I walked into the living room seeing him stare at me annoyed. "Lovino, you are so nice!" I cried. "Oh shut it! I just want you to get out of the house already" he glared.

I smiled at him for a second before I walked outside of the house. I guess I should work on the front yard first. I walked over to the shed in the back yard and started to place tools in a basket so I could carry it to the front yard. As I walked on the side of the house to the front I could see Lovino in the kitchen trying to cook something. He was really young and only had a few lessons on cooking, so it was funny to watch. My little tomato is growing up so fast.

I placed the basket on the floor and pulled the lawn mower to the front along with the gasoline. I looked at the over grown garden and started to visualize all the amazing things I could do to it. Lovino and I can start making our own produce like strawberries or tomatoes.

Slowly, I started to clean the garden up, mowing the lawn ,taking weeds out of the ground, picking up rocks and trash. I placed the rocks to the side to use them for something else and placed the trash in a bag. It took about thirty minutes to an hour to clean the garden up, and another thirty minutes or so to mow the lawn before Lovino called me back inside to eat.

"I realize it was not a smart idea for you to work without eating anything, sorry. So I made you  Tostada con tomate, aceite, y jamón as a sorry" Lovino showed me the food and tried not to look at my face. It was my favorite breakfast food, so of course I was ecstatic. "Thank you , you are such a great kid" I smiled.

Once I finished my food I went back outside to work and finish the yard. The next thing I had to do was trim the large hedges shorter. They had grown a foot larger than they should have been so it would take awhile to cut it short.

I grabbed some cutters and cut the top of the fence, where the bush was overgrown. With one swoop, the bunch had been sliced off, and a bird came out of no where, scaring me. "Ahhhh!!!" A light scream startled me even more as I looked to the source. "Oh, I am so sorry, I was trying to cut the bush....did I hurt you?" I asked worried.

The woman looked startled and held a hand to her chest. "No I am sorry, I was just fixing the bird houses I had here.....hey, you are our new neighbor right?" She asked confused. I finally got a good look at her face and she was so beautiful. I wish I introduced myself to her yesterday, not now when I look like this. "Yes, me and my son Lovino just moved here, my name is Antonio" I smiled.

"Oh a son? How cute, how old is he?" She asked with a smile. "He is fifteen, but is actually turning sixteen next month" I smiled. "Awww isn't that darling, I wish I had children, but it is me here" she giggled. Her laugh was sweet as honey, I wanted more of it.

"What's your name?" I asked with a smile. "Emma, it's nice to meet you Antonio, maybe we can be friends?"
"Yes! I would like that a lot" I laughed nervously. I looked to her again and the sun just shined so well on her skin, I had no idea what else to say to her. "Antonio! What are you staring at?" Lovino called and I could hear his foot steps coming towards us.

"Huh? Who is she?" He asked slowly. Soon looking at me with that face. That face that says "you were totally hitting on her right now and I interrupted." Which was common even when I was not flirting. "This is Emma, our neighbor. Emma this is my son Lovino" I smiled introducing the two to each other. "Neighbor huh, you are very pretty, you know Antonio here loves pretty woman, are you smart too? He loves smart woman"

His words made me look at him in a glare. "Haha, you are such a funny child, he isn't serious" I laughed nervously. However, Emma looked at us with joy as she looked to Lovino. "What a cute young boy, would you like to come over and eat sweets later?"

"Yes please!!!!! I will go anywhere with you for sweets!!!" Lovino heard they her words and began to get so excited. "I am so sorry about him" I said nervously. "It is no worries, maybe the two of you can come over later and we can all get to know each other?"

"Yes , that would be lovely" I smiled.
"Great then, see you later Lovino" she cheered. However, he was in a daze thinking about the future of possible sweets. "Is 5 pm alright?" She asked. "Yes, that would be a perfect time" I smiled. Emma slowly waved at me as she walked into her house with a smile. She was so beautiful, I couldn't wait to see her later.

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