#6***Small shop (PortEng)

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Old shelves, the smell of lemon, the way an old books pages age oddly. It was all amazing to me. I loved the idea of old antiques, there was something about them that made me whole. I ran my hand across an old British soldier figurine and just thought "wow! Can something get more beautiful?"  It was amazing, every detail an antique could have, almost surreal. "Hello, do you need help with anything?" I suddenly snapped out of my thoughts as I turned to the man staring at me. "Hmmmm?"

He was beautiful, dark hair and tall, he reminded me of a friend I once had a long time ago. "I think I will be fine, just looking really, you have a lot of nice things. It is hard to just pick one" I laughed nervously. "I see....well if you have any questions, feel free to ask me, my name is João" he smiled. I nodded at him slowly in a confusing way as I looked back to the old antiques. I looked between the cracks of the shelves noticing that the man kept staring at me. Did he think I was going to steal something? Or whatever?

I began to get uncomfortable as I tried to figure out what else to look at. In order to distract myself from his stare. I walked to another shelf that was behind me, and still felt his stare on me. This was becoming annoying as I tried to shop. He should know better than to make his customers uncomfortable. Wait! Maybe he doesn't think I notice?!!! If that is the case.....he really sucks at being a creep. I turned to another shelf and picked up an old world globe. It seemed really nice so I think I was going to purchase this.

It was between this or the old British soldier, so I suppose I could just get both? There is no harm in that. I quickly , but calmly walked to the register , where the man smiled at what I had chose. "You know, I get all these things from people who want to donate their old antiques, it is really amazing seeing what other people once loved" he smiled. I looked at him a bit nervously as I nodded. "Yeah, it is very interesting... João....right?"

"Yes, and you are?" He asked interested. "My name is Arthur, it is nice to meet you" I smiled. I slowly placed the items on the counter as he continued to stare at me. "Is there something on my face?" I asked confused. I pointed to myself in a silly manor as he started to laugh. "Yes, did you eat a Pastry before arriving here?" He asked. I stared at him confused and turned to look past him, at a mirror behind him. There was white powder around my mouth and I soon became embarrassed at the sight. I started to stutter uncontrollably as I felt my face get extremely hot.

"You caught me" I laughed nervously. He nodded as he started to scan the antiques I had picked out. "Are you really into stuff like this?" He asked. "Yeah, I guess collecting them is sort of a hobby....not like a hoarder or anything, I just like thinking about the history of each item, it is very .....interesting..." I started to laugh nervously again as I saw his face look at me curiously. "That will be 5€" he nodded with a smile. Great, he must think I am a weirdo or something. "I want to reassure you that I am not weird, it is just a hobby"

I handed him the money as he started to laugh. "That was not my concern at all." He finished bagging my items before staring at me sweetly. "Really? What was the issue then?" I asked. "the issue was realizing if I was ever going to see you here ever again" handing my the bag I stared back him still. "Again?....oh, like come again to shop?...well I suppose, your shop is really nice, very small, and has a lot of neat items here, I might bring some friends actually" I laughed.

"No not that, I mean if I will ever see you again, as in I want to get to know you" his smile was so bright, it was as if his aura was filled with flowers and flower petals. "Oh....like friends....hmmm, I don't see why not, you seem very nice ...João" I smiled. He started to chuckle with a slow nod "alright then Arthur, see you soon" he smiled more. As I walked out of the shop, I could feel his stare on me once more. Only this time the feeling was a lot more sweet and kind.

As I exited the shop I stood still for a second as I felt excitement rise up from my feet. Not only was he amazingly nice and wanted to be my friend, but he was super handsome. I know that is not the priority here, but hey, I can not ignore the fact that he was handsome. I laughed at my thoughts and soon started to walk away from the small shop. I plan to see you soon, João.


Also I am not good at writing ships I know nothing about so I am doing my best with these. Hopefully whatever I write satisfy all of you. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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