#11***Local pet shop (Turkey x Greece)

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Everywhere I looked, I was in heaven. How on earth was I supposed to just pick one. "Have you decided yet?" The man asked. "Mmmmmmm I have not.... just give me five more minutes" I spoke calmly and softly. I only wanted to buy two new cats, but there were so many, it was a hard decision. "Sir, you have been saying five more minutes for the past three hours, can you please hurry up?" The man began to become annoyed as I stared at him. "Ahhh, no need to get so mad, we are all friends here."

"Like hell we are!!! Just pick already" the man spoke. I looked to his name tag and read it. "Sadik, my name is Heracles....I think I would like to take all of them" I spoke seriously. "TAKE ALL OF THEM???? what sort of army are you training them for, you came here last week!!" He looked to me shocked as I stared at him serious. "I am serious" I laughed out a bit. "I bet your house smells" he said looking at me disgusted. "No! It's not like that at all, I keep my friends outside in another home, I have a huge property and made them their own home where they are free to come and go as they please."

"So you release them back into the wild?" He asked. "No, they come back.....to eat" I smiled. I wonder why this guy kept looking at me like I was crazy or something. It was completely reasonable to make my friends their own home, and to give them freedom. They liked spending time with me and I made sure they were happy. "Aren't you worried about them procreating?" He asked concerned. "Well yeah, I have to get the males fixed since they get aggressive....way more aggressive than the females. The girls just cry a lot" I pointed out.

"What are you !!! Some cat expert?" He said shocked.
"I am no expert, but I know enough about raising my friends" I smiled.
"Friends....? Yeah okay fine" he shrugged. He took out a list and started to write something on there. "What are you writing?" I asked confused. "This is the list of names of people banned from this store!!" He shouted.
"What? Who are you trying to ban?" I asked looking around.
"You!!! Unless you can show proof that these cats will be fine, you can't not have any"

"Oooohhhh, okay then, come to my place" I suggested.
"I am afraid that I will actually have to do that" he said nervously. "Great, I assume I should be ready for you in the morning or night?" I asked.
"Don't make it sound like a date!!!"
"How did I make it sound like a date? Nasty"
"Look here you bastard, I have to go today because I can't give you time to clean up your mess"
"Ohh? So fast..."
"Not a date!!! You are a suspicious customer"
"Whatever you say"

I continued to chuckled quietly at angry he was getting. He put his coat on angry, signed paper work angry, and even looked at me angry.  "Come on we have to go, I will be following you in my car, and I will be making a report on you ever step of the way." He pointed his pen at me as if trying to scare me. "So I get to have all the cats when I pass the test?" I asked with a small smile. "You mean IF you pass the test. I need to see what kind of home they will be living in and if it is suitable"

Once I arrived at my property, Sadik stormed out of his car angry. Standing by the window of my car as if waiting for me to get out of it. "Here we are" I smiled. I opened my door and had a face full of him. He had his hands on his hips as he held a clipboard. "Now you have to show me around your house" he demanded. "Well, that was the plan , right?" I sassed. I could see his anger rise twenty percent as I made that comment.

I started to walk slowly inside and he stared at me every second of the way. I took out my keys and shuffled them around so I can open the door. "Just give me a second" I spoke softly. I continued to look for my keys and I could see him get annoyed. "Can you go faster please, I would like this to be over" he begged. Once I found the key I began to place it in the key hole, turning it, until Sadik finally opened the door for me. He looked around my living room seeing one car sleeping on my couch.

"One cat?" He asked confused. "That is friend number one, h Th e first one I bought" I added. He nodded looking a bit uncomfortable as he looked around the house more. "Looks very clean in here at least....how many rooms does this house have?" He asked. "One bathroom, one bedroom, one living room, one washroom, one kitchen....and that's it" I smiled. He wrote wrote all of the information down as he started to take a look around my house. Entering rooms, writing notes, entering more rooms and writing notes. Kind of like a detective in a way.

"Your house is good, can you show me the cats house?" He asked Nervously. I nodded at his request as I walked towards the homes back door. "There is a lot of land but the house is not hard to miss, they have two floors so don't be shocked" I said with a small smile. "I am sure it can't be that big-WHAT THE HELL IS THAT MANSION!!!!????" He dropped his clipboard as he stared at the cats house. "It's big but that's a little over step, I just made it for them to feel comfortable in" I spoke."It's bigger than my house" he cried.

The house had cat doors all along the sides and a main door where I could get in and clean if I ever needed to. "Let's go inside" I smiled. He quickly picked up his clipboard nodding. "Yeah, okay" he breathed out. As we stood outside the door he noticed some cats walking around the property. "They are just having fun today. So in the winter I put the heater on and the summer I make sure it's nice and cool for them and they have plenty of food and water" I smiled.

Opening the door, his mouth dropped as he looked around, the cats everywhere were having fun, sleeping, and playing. It was nice and cool and they had food and water. It was nice seeing that my friends were alright. "Okay, I have seen enough....the cats are yours" he spoke. It sounded as if there was pain in his voice. "Really?! Thank you so much Sadik, and maybe this won't be the last time you come to my house."

"Hopefully!! This is the last time!! I don't want any problems from me do you hear me Heracles?" He laughed. "Yes of course, and I will be back tomorrow to get all my new cats" I pointed out. He wrote something in a paper before laughing. "Here is my number if you have any questions, goodbye now" he laughed. "Hope to see you soon" I smiled holding the piece of paper in my hands. "Hope is a strong word" he laughed waving a goodbye at me.

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