#16***Just one drink(Cucan)

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Why does my family always treat me like a child? I can be cool and fun too! Just like Alfred!! We may be twins, and have a lot of similarities, but I know how to have fun. I was finally invited to my first high school party tonight, and I be damned if I was going to miss my chance and show just how fun I could be. "Yo! Dads!! Matt and I were invited to a party, can we go?" Alfred shouted.

I looked to him annoyed as both our dads looked to us confused. "Sure? I mean I am not against it, I guess just be safe?" Papa spoke confused looking to us then to our father. "Why do you look at me that way? I suppose naturally I would object to something like this.....but I ....."

Alfred began to make a face to him as if begging. While papa looked to his nervous husband who was trying to figure out what to do. "Fine fine!!!! Just be home by .....I guess when it finishes? Try not to be out too late and no drinking please! I would love to not see either of you drunk off your asses later tonight"

"Yes officer!!!" Alfred cheered. Our father rolled his eyes and turned back to papa who smiled at him please. Alfred grabbed my arm and started to pull me up the steps. The party was tonight and I knew exactly what he was thinking. "We need you to look cool" Alfred laughed. I snatched my hand back away from him and he looked at me confused. "What is the matter?"

"I am fine with what I have, no need to wear anything in particular" I spoke seriously. Alfred continued to push me into his room. He closed the door behind us and started to laugh. "You are joking right? You look like our dad dressed you" he laughed. I glared at him slowly before shuffling past him, "I will be fine, just leave me alone" I spoke. I did not plan to wear this specifically, I was probably going to wear a regular whit button up or something.

That night, I felt stressed out, I had no idea what to do. I felt that maybe I didn't seem cool or something. "Come on dude!!! It's already time to go" Alfred look to me annoyed. "Alright fine! I am going" I grabbed my wallet and keys ,following him out of the door. "You need to need a girl tonight, or.....guy? I don't know if you swing that way" Alfred laughed. I rolled my eyes at him as we walked down the stairs slowly.

"I am driving, you speed to much on the roads" I said annoyed. We both sat in the car quietly as Alfred did not drop his excitement that was showing on his face. "Why are you so excited?" I asked. "Kiku is going to be there!!!" He finally cheered. "Hmmmm? Who is ki-ku?"

His head suddenly shot towards me as he began to jump in his seat. I felt a bit nervous reversing the car out of the drive way but I did my best to focus on the road. "You don't know who that is?!!!!?"

"What? Am I supposed to know who that is?"
"Well....I guess not. Anyway, he is in almost all my classes and he is just so...wow"
"Hey, sounds like you have a crush on him" I laughed.
"Huh??!!!! No! We are both guys.... why would you think that?" Alfred asked now embarrassed. I have never seen him like this. "Alfred.....our dads are gay, it's fine"

"Shush!!!! Let's not talk about this. He is going to be there and I am going to finally work up the courage to talk to him."
"You mean you haven't? And you say I am a wimp."
"I don't want to hear it!!! Tonight I swear I will do it" he laughed happily. "Yeah sure"

Once we arrived, Alfred had no trouble jumping out of the car to go search for his kiku friend. "Careful not to drink so much" I called to him. "Me drink? Disgusting, see you later" he laughed.  I shook my head at him slowly as I finished parking the car. I had no idea what to do, I thought Alfred would be with me most of the night but I suppose he is too love struck to do anything else.

I opened the door to my car annoyed and a loud thud could be heard. "Oh my god!!! Are you okay?!" I quickly jumped out of the car. "I didn't see you there"

I closed the door quickly and ran over to the guy I had hit. He was on skates and it looked like he was pushed down the driveway when I hit him. "What the hell was that for?!!!" The guy got up quickly and looked to me quickly. His yes widened as he stay on the floor staring at me. "Take a picture maybe it will last longer."

"Hey!! He is the one that hit me" the guy stood up and looked to Alfred who had appeared out of no where. The guy looked to me and Alfred and kept doing that until his face softened. "Yes, we are twins, now then, do you have a problem?"

"The least he could do is say sorry, that hurt!"
"Oh! I am sorry , Wait I did say sorry....but sorry again?" I said confused. I felt myself stamper all over the place as I saw his face soften. "It's alright, just stop, this is painful to watch." He spoke. "Alfred!!! Come on!" Voice called. All three of us turned seeing a short guy with black hair. That must be that kiku guy.

With no hesitation Alfred jumped and ran over to the guy, walking away with him. "Again, I am so sorry, is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" I asked. The guy looked to me and started to smile a bit. "My name is Carlos, what's yours?"

"Matthew, but really is there anything? I just feel bad that I did hurt you -."
"How about you have a drink with me, come on"
"What? A drink?....."
"Yes, that is alright, right?" He tilted his head and smiled at me softly. "Yeah sure, lets do it"

We had walked inside the party together, he had dragged me over to a table that had a lot of alcohol and I felt myself become nervous. Is this what dad explained to me? Peer pressure? I was not really the drinking type of person. "Come on, drink one"
"Hmmmm....I think I am fine, I am not really the drinking type"
"Really? What type are you?" He asked coming closer to my face.

I did my best not to look at him, until my eyes stopped on a plate full of brownies. He followed my stare and smiled. "Oh? The pothead type?"
"WHAT?!!! I mean....not all the time, I just prefer it more than drinking, but I am not a pothead-."
"Let's do it, together"

He excitedly grabbed some brownies and held one in front of me. I wanted to eat it, but if Alfred saw this type of me, he might be a little mad. Well, I did come here to make some friends, so why not? "Alright fine!!"

For some odd reason, the next morning I woke up in my bedroom, only....I did not remember getting here. I pushed myself off of the floor and looked around. "Was it all a dream? I don't remember anything" I grabbed my phone and saw so many texts from Alfred. Asking where I was and why I left him and the car. "What? What happened?"

"Last night was pretty crazy, if you didn't try and sleep with me, it would have been better-.....wait scratch that, it would have been amazing if you slept with me, but I don't go for that no consent stuff, I prefer them aware"

I froze on my spot and looked towards my bed, there he was, Carlos from last night. He was laying in my bed....naked. "What are you doing? What happened?"
"Man, you are a party animal, you got super high last night so I took you home, luckily your parents didn't catch us. They almost did though. Then you undressed me and tried to sleep with me....wild times" he laughed.

I was only high! How did this happen. I soon felt myself grow red as I stayed silent. "You had one or two drinks last night, I tried to stop you but you are a different person when you are high" he laughed.

I slowly facepalmed my head and stood up from where I was. "Please leave" I spoke quietly. "What?" He asked. "Leave now please" I said strongly. "Alright fine, I guess I don't get a thanks for bringing you home safely"

Carlos quickly got dressed and opened the door to my room, where I soon noticed both my dads standing there in shock. Papa had his hand out as if about to open the door. There eyes were wide as they saw Carlos half naked leaving my room. "Matthew?" Papa spoke my name in French and I felt even more embarrassed.

"Your son is really great, thank you" Carlos laughed, leaving the room and going down the stairs. "MATTHEW!!!!" My parents yelled. Quickly Alfred came out of no where, seeing the situation. Laughing his ass off while pointing to me and to where Carlos had left.

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