#2*** lets make breakfast(spamano)

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"Lovino! I proposed something?"
"What is it now?" Lovino looked to the Spaniard that was just a ball of excitement. "How about a sleepover?" He smiled to his Italian friend. "In hell I would ever go to your house" Lovino spoke annoyed. His "friend" had been trying to get him to be more "open" with himself, and he hated it. Lovino wanted nothing to do with Antonio, but it was not the save feeling coming from Antonio.

~lovino pov~
Growing up, I had to make sure that I looked tough. Growing up in a household where there was favoritism in every corner was not easy. I knew I could not rely on anyone, and now, I know better to let Antonio try and be that crutch for me. "Just drop it already, I don't want to do anything with you....ass hat" I said annoyed. I tried getting back to my work but he kept staring at me with a huge smile on his face. "Can you please stop making such a stupid face? It is annoying!!"

"Please Lovino! Just give me a chance, I really like you a lot" he spoke with a smile. That was also confusing too, I had no idea if he wanted to be my friend or my....NO!!! Bastards like him only like messing with people's feelings. My annoyance made my face turn red as I squished my papers. "You are so cute when angry, like a tomato"
"Will you shut it!!! I am trying to work!" I snapped.
I turned away from him and started writing a list of things to do when I got home. One of them being to "sharpen my knives to kill Antonio on sight" it was perfect, I am such a genius.

Wait!!! That's it!! What if the only way to get him to leave me alone is to act like I despise him....well, even more than I do now. I could figure out the type of person he is and use it against him. It was perfect, that bastard will not even see it coming. "Pleas! Lovino, just breakfast maybe? I would really like to get to know you" he smiled. Trying to hide the evil in my eyes, I looked at him with a smirk. "Alright then....I can go for breakfast, when and where" I smiled widely.

His face grew a disgusting smile as I pretended to keep up the act of being nice. He will soon learn to never try messing with me again! That idiot. "Well tomorrow is the weekend, how about you come over to my house ....or I can pick you up.... at around seven in the morning, we can make something nice" he smiled. Antonio quickly got a piece of paper and wrote down his address for me. "I am fine driving there....can't wait" I laughed. Again, I was trying to seem like a nice person,which is really hard for me sometimes. He nodded at me in an accomplished way as he turned back to his work. Finally ....I thought he would never leave me alone.

"Brother where are you going so early in the morning?"
"Calm down, I just have a friend who invited me somewhere, I will be back in another hour or so"
"A friend? WOW THAT IS AMAZING !!! LOVINO FINALLY HAS A FRIEND GRANDPA!!" Feli jumped around yelling as our grandfather came into my room with a smile. "What really? Are you sure? I think the world might be ending now" he laughed.

"Alright! That is enough! Everyone out of my room" I said trying to push them out , but they would not leave. "No wait! Tell us more about your friend!" Feli cheered.
"Fine! If you won't leave, then I am!" I said annoyed. I quickly grabbed my things and stormed out of my room. They were always like this, they made me feel bad about making new friends. Like it was normal for me to not have any friends. It pissed me off so much!!! I could just punch someone.

As I stormed out of the house, and to my car I kept of thinking of all the despicable things I could do to make Antonio upset. He is human too, that means like everyone else, he gets mad too. It will be funny to finally see what that bastard looks like angry, or better!!! To see him so sad. I sat in my car and started laughing at the thought of it. He was pathetic and nothing he did could change my mind about that.

I made sure to follow the directions to his address carefully, I did not want to get lost. I hated getting lost, it was a waist of time. I had arrived at a house I hoped was his around 7:05 in the morning. It looked very nice and roomy, I suppose it seemed like something he would live in. There was a lot of beautiful architecture from historical time periods. I walked up the steps to the front door, fixing myself a bit. "Wouldn't want to look gross while releasing havoc on him." I whispered to myself.

Knocking on the door, I waited a few seconds before the door slammed open fast. "You came!!! I was worried you were bluffing and would not show up"he laughed nervously. "Come in, please" Antonio opened the door for me, and I walked in slowly. I looked around his home and saw a lot of Spanish architecture, and art. That made sense, seems he likes art a lot. I continued to look around and my head stopped uncomfortably at a certain spot. "Bulls?...." I spoke slowly.

There were a bunch of portraits of bulls, vases, figurines, stuffed animals, and more. It was quite terrifying to look at what I believe was his obsession with the animal. "They are so cute right?" He asked with a smile. "Uhhh.....I guess" I said slowly, with confusion. Why did he like them so much? It was unsettling.

"Come, lets go to the kitchen and make some breakfast together" he laughed. Antonio grabbed my hand softly , pulling my hand towards the kitchen. We better be making something edible. Hmmm, is he even a good cook? I suppose I will have to be cooking too, to make sure it doesn't come out tasting like ass. "Here, we are making pancakes, crack those eggs I laid out over there and I will get all the other ingredients ready"

He gave me a little shove to the bowl that had a whisk beside it. "I guess...." I said annoyed. I did not like being told what to do. However, I still walked over to the bowl and held one of the eggs in my hand. I looked at him as he was happily gathering ingredients from all over the kitchen. He was so weird, I do not understand him. I slowly cracked the first egg in the bowl and felt myself getting bored. I thought I would have lasted longer than this, but I guess not.

I picked up two eggs , one in each hand and started to mentally weight them. Weird, one egg felt heavier than the other, it was also annoying to think about. "You look so cute when you crack those eggs." I felt Antonio whisper. His breath sent shivers down my spine as I squeezed my hands together.

I felt the egg yolk wet my hands as I stood still. My heart had began to race and my breath increased. I think I had turned red from the sudden closeness he had beside me. "Lovino? What's wrong?" He asked confused. Antonio was looking at the squeezes eggs between my fingers as I turned to him shocked. "Please.....just shut up" I tried saying. "Hmmm?" He hummed, soon laughing. His cluelessness was cute to me somehow, what the hell was going on?!!!!!

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