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With every second passing, her mind is engraved with him

With every second passing, her mind is engraved with him

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"I thought it was your last day of school." The rough tone of his voice made goosebumps unwillingly arise. Somehow after the run in- literally- you two had walked to the nearest café, seeing as you both looked worse for wear. Though the walk was completely silent, the awkwardness still lingered to this second.

"Yeah it is... didn't go the way I wanted it to though." You shrugged, playing with your fingers. You sighed with a heavy weight draping itself on your chest. The same anxious feeling teasing to spill over the edges of calamity.
"Hm." Mark hummed in agreement, finding his own links to your words.

You stole a glance of him seeing as he was being particularly silent, however he was looking in the distance, focused on something completely irrelevant, yet he still looked troubled.

The tiredness seeped out of him and the messiness of his overgrown hair was quite different from how you'd seen him before. As you were scanning him, your eyes brightened in curiosity.

"You got a new piercing?" You acknowledged, pointing towards the hoop attached to his helix.
That had seemed to pull him out of his neverending trance.
"Hm? Oh- yeah I did." He subconsciously toyed with the hoop then brought his hand down to rub the back of his neck.
"It was impulsive." He added, sounding unsure of his like towards it.

"It suits you, I like it." You smiled, glancing over him once again.
Yet you earned no reply, instead he cleared his throat and pointed his thumb over to the till.

"I'm going to order...do you want anything?"
Feeling a bit disappointed, you nodded at his question.
"A cold drink would do thank you."
Mark nodded and walked towards the till, turning around from you in time for his rosy cheeks not to be seen by you blooming from your compliment.
Mark wasn't complimented frequency, or even at all for that matter, yet it felt good- being complimented. And he hoped maybe one day he wasn't as flustered hearing such a thing.

 And he hoped maybe one day he wasn't as flustered hearing such a thing

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"I'll be starting College after the holidays, with the other guys too." You brought up, to which he seemed interested in.
"You're going to the same one as Renjun, Jeno, Haechan and Jaemin?" He asked, drumming his fingers on the table.
You nodded to which he acknowledged.
"Oh, I go there."
"You do?"

You felt the awkwardness seep back in. "Oh um cool," you replied
"You don't talk very much." You laughed to lighten the mood.
Yet you noticed Mark wasn't laughing along with you.
You could tell he was troubled, it was clear as day but you didn't want to intrude. Clearing your throat, you built up the courage to ask him the question.
"Is there something bothering you? Are you okay?" You asked softly, observing him. Under your gaze, he felt defenceless and vulnerable.
Two feelings he hated.

"You're weak Mark, look at you all vulnerable in the corner, too much of a coward to shoot her. If you can't kill, you'll be killed Mark."

"Huh- what?" He breathed out, blinking away the flashback that plagued his mind.

"I said are you okay?" You asked once again, tilting your head to get a better look at him. Again, he felt vulnerable and suddenly the feeling of claustrophobia crept up slowly.
His eyes darted around the cafe, marking out exit points.
Without even answering you, he hastily draw back his chair and left without a word.

"Wait Mark you-"
Sighing as he disappeared from your sight.
"-forgot your jacket."

Damn Mark how could you forget your jacket

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Damn Mark how could you forget your jacket

Ethereal love ➳ Mark LeeWhere stories live. Discover now