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He wasn't dangerous to her

"Oh it's time for my break! I'm off girls see you later

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"Oh it's time for my break! I'm off girls see you later." Yuta said, practically ripping his apron off.
"Wait, your jacket is in the back, it's cold today." Zen pointed to the room behind the counter.
Yuta shook his head and his forehead creased in confusion.
"Not mine."

Zen raised an eyebrow and turned towards you expectantly.
"Who's the lucky man?"
"Huh- what no, it's not what it seems." You defended, shaking your hands at her.
The girl inspected you for a few second, before sighing.
"Boy troubles?"

"Not exactly..." You trailed off, unsure of what the whole situation actually was.
Zen raked her eyes over you and nodded her head at her own thoughts.
"Tell me everything."

"So, he basically saved your life and you hardly talk to him unless it's fated that you accidentally meet

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"So, he basically saved your life and you hardly talk to him unless it's fated that you accidentally meet." Zen clarified, taking a sip from her iced drink.

"Yeah I guess, I don't know why it bothers me so much, it's just- ugh I don't know." You combed through your knotted hair with your fingers and sighed.
"It doesn't matter."
You visibly slumped down and remembered the last time you tried to open up to someone.

The day after the last day of school

"I'm glad we're okay now, I just need to speak to Jihoon."
"I'm glad too."

"I've just been caught up about this whole Mark situation and everything."

"I just find it weird you know? We aren't close but it feels like-"
"Yeah." Miran cut in, picking at her nails.
"Everyone likes you, I get it."

You frowned at that statement but brushed it off.
"No that's not what I'm saying, Don't you think he's like-"

A sigh.
"Listen Areum this guy you're probably never going to I don't know be friends with him, you live two different lives. He's a badass sexy guy and you're too nice to get involved with him." She laughs, flipping her hair onto one side.
"You're thinking into it too deep I mean, you don't actually think this is some fairytale right?"

"No I know it's not. I just wanted to get things off my chest and rant-"

"Are you all you think about? You know sometimes you aren't really aware of anything else, maybe I didn't want to hear you rant today Areum, I'm sorry I am, I feel like I am your therapist or something I don't know what you want me to do about your situations."


"You shouldn't be too sensitive Areum, the guys don't like that. Trust me I've been getting way more guys since I've changed my outlook."

"You're just suppressing your feelings for the sakes of others."

"Well at least I'm not a weak little crybaby-"

"You know what Miran, fuck you."

"Hey are you alright?" Zen's calming voice pulled you out of your thoughts.
"Hm? Yeah. What were you saying again?"

"I said it does matter if it's bothering you, you shouldn't keep your feelings inside, letting them out is what makes you strong."

"Finally, you're home

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"Finally, you're home." Hyeri exclaimed, rushing over to you. You were taken aback by the sudden switch from your aunt.

"Um yes, the café ran over time. I'm going to go wash up-"

"No don't."


"Because there is a boy waiting for you in the kitchen."


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