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Could anything be the same anymore

Could anything be the same anymore

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6 days later

You had been discharged from the hospital finally, and you were recovering really quickly. Currently, Mark had his arm around you to help you walk into the NCT house.

Well, you were going to stay here now.
"How are you feeling Babe?" Mark asked, looking down at you with a smile."
You shrugged and grinned back up at him.
"I feel like I'm finally home."

Everyone who you loved and cherished all jumped up from various places and reminded you that it was indeed, your birthday.
"What- I'm so...I'm gonna cry." You gasped in shock, tears welling in your eyes. Mark looked at you fondly and stood behind you, chin resting on your head and his arms hung loosely around your neck.

"Happy birthday Areum!" Jaemin said, placing a party hat on you after pushing Mark out of the way.
"Rude." He muttered, sulking. "I'm the one that organised it."
You noticed the scowl on his face and turned towards him with a grin on your face.

"Thank you." You leaned up and pressed a kiss to his nose to which the whole room erupted into yells.
"Shit I owe Doyoung money." Jeno whined, throwing his head back.
"Did you bet on us?" You scoffed in disbelief, looking up at Mark who rolled his eyes, then lead you towards the middle of the room.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Areum, happy birthday to you!"
Yaeji had bought the cake in and held it in front of you.
"Make a wish." Mark whispered, his lips brushing past your hair.

"Okay guys, I just want to say happy birthday to my gal over there, but I know there was one thing she was really waiting for

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"Okay guys, I just want to say happy birthday to my gal over there, but I know there was one thing she was really waiting for..." Yaeji looked towards Taeyong and he nodded.
Taking a deep breath, she looked towards everyone who was waiting in anticipation.

"We're having a girl."

And that's how yells of happiness and shock erupted through the room. You untangled yourself from the boy behind you and wrapped yourself in Yaeji's arms.
"Congratulations." You squealed, already feeling the baby bump protruding.
"Thank you so much." Yaeji had tears in her eyes, she pulled back and looked at you.
Her eyes were glimmering with tears and you started feeling emotional too.

"I'm so glad you're okay." She whispered, raking her hands through your hair.
"I missed you so much." She cried, fanning her face with her hands.
"I'm such a mess."

You laughed through your own tears and once again pulled her into a hug.
"I missed you too."

"Your Aunt said she'll bring your stuff around later." Mark informed you, you both stepped into his room and you smiled.
"That's fine, don't worry. I'm just glad I'm with you."
Mark scrunched his nose up, feeling his heart once again going into over drive because of you.

A blush spread across his cheeks and you gasped, making him groan inwardly.
"Are you blushing?"


"Wait, stop walking away!"

"No, bye."

"Mark! Hey come back. YOU'RE TOTALLY BLUSHING!"


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