I'm Sorry

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This takes place after the "Mount Rushmore" episode.


'Stupid stupid stupid stupid!!' I repeatedly think to myself while pounding my fists into my pillow.

I'm lying face down on my bed after checking my phone for the millionth time. Still no reply from Cyrus.

NSSBG: Cyrus I'm sorry
NSSBG: I don't know why I did that
NSSBG: Can we please meet at the swings?
NSSBG: Please talk to me
NSSBG: I'm sorry

I don't even know why I'm trying. He obviously hates me. I just wish I could tell him how I really feel...but I can't. Then he'd definitely never talk to me again.

I'm just gonna go to sleep. I don't care that it's 4 in the afternoon. I've had enough of today.

I pull the blanket up over my head and drift off into yet another nightmare...


Cyrus's POV

"And that concludes our list of reasons why you should never talk to TJ again," Andi finishes.

I'm sitting at the park next to Andi and across from Buffy.

"I don't know...maybe he had a good reason?" I say.

"Or maybe, he's just a jerk face!" Andi shouts.

"We did warn you," Buffy tells me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks for the support guys. I just...I dunno. Maybe I deserve this. Nobody really cares that much about me." I mutter the last part, looking down at my shoes.

"Cyrus! How could you ever think that?" Buffy asks.

"We love you, Cyrus!" Andi leans over and hugs me.

"Look what he's done to you! Okay, that's it. I'm going to go find him and give him a piece of my mind." Buffy stands up and calls TJ. She puts him on speaker phone.

"TJ! Where are you?!" she demands.

"At my house...why? Can you make it quick, I wanna go back to sleep," I hear TJ over the phone. His voice sounds hoarse. Like he's been crying? No. That can't be. He's probably just sick. Yeah, of course. That's why he wants to sleep.

"I'm coming over there!" Buffy says, right before hanging up.

"Buffy, you don't have to-" I start.

"I'm doing it, okay?!" she cuts me off, then runs away.



Great. Just what I needed. Buffy's coming to scream her head off at me. Like I'm not already going through enough with all this guilt.

Well, I'd better get dressed and wash my face. I don't want her to know I was crying.

I put on jeans and a long sleeve shirt then head over to my bathroom. I wash my face for awhile but the bags under my eyes won't go away.

"UGH!!" I scream before going back into my bedroom.

I drink some water to help my voice sound normal, and then I hear a knock on the door downstairs. I try to ignore it but the noise won't stop. I head downstairs and unlock the door. Buffy barges in and pushes me onto the couch. Luckily my parents aren't home to see me getting pushed around by a girl.

"Who do you think you are treating Cyrus like that?! I can't believe you! Don't you know how much he was looking forward to doing that costume with you? He cancelled on Mount Rushmore with Andi and me just so he could hang out with you! And then you have the nerve to blow him off for Kira, of all people?! He thought you were his friend but I guess all you care about is your dumb reputation!" Buffy rants to me.

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