Chapter 26

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🔷Unknown's POV🔷

I gently knocked on the hulking, wooden doors before me.

"Yes? I don't believe I have meetings scheduled with anyone at this time." The deep voice called out from the other side of the door. Slowly, the voice got increasingly louder as, I could only assume, the man approached the door.

After waiting a moment longer, the doors were pulled open from the inside, and there he stood.

It only took a second for it to register in his mind who I was, and when it did, he was so taken aback with surprise he could tripped over his own two feet.

🔥Natsu's POV🔥

"I wasn't doing anything, I swear!" I yell out, panicking, to whatever guard just walked through the door. Can't have them replacing my chains and undoing all my progress, ya know?

"... uh that's good to know I guess."

"But honestly, saying you aren't doing anything sounds more suspicious than just staying quiet."

"Yeah... I have to agree with her on that..."

"Heh... I guess it does..." I say trailing off while looking down to the floor beside me. I also made sure they couldn't see the chains. I'm not even sure how much I damaged the chains, but just in case I did damage them a lot, I don't want them to notice.

"This room is pretty trashy."

"I know right, it's so dull."

"It would look so much better if it wasn't so dark in here... Some windows would definitely help, maybe even some decorations too..."

"Hey, don't get distracted now, we're not here to be home decorators."

These guards are actually pretty chil- oh my.

"WHAT?!? Why are you here?! ...How!?" I screeched out as I glanced up towards what I had previously assumed were guards entering the room, but my eyes just met many people with colorful hair.

"You could be quieter, you know, flame brain... You're going to give us away... or maybe you just don't want to save Lucy?"

"Yes, Juvia agrees! Be quiet!"

The room quickly been filled with three bluenettes, two black-hair males, and a red-headed female. What are all of them doing here? I don't understand...

"I don't think we've met before..." called out a tall guy with blue hair and a red mark going down his face over his right eye. "My name is Jellal, but that doesn't matter right now... You're probably wonder why we're here, right?"

"Uhh... yeah I am actually."

"Well, Salamander, we're here because we knew you'd go and fail at saving bunny girl."

Bunny girl??

"Yeah, I don't mean to sound rude, but I honestly didn't have much hope in you saving Lucy." Remarked Lucy's short, bluenette friend. Er um, what was her name again? Ellie? Lily? Revy? ... Oh, right! It was Levy! HAHa I'm great at remembering names.

"Oi, did you really have that little faith in me?! I saved I'd save her, and I haven't failed yet!!"

"What do you mean you haven't failed yet, idiot?! You're literally tied up!" Gray sneers back at me.

"Yeah, but I'm like really close to breaking the chains!! I thought you were guards of first so I stopped, but now I can go back to breaking them. I'll break them, just watch me!!"

The strange guy with the red tattoo on his face had walked behind me at this point, and when I had said that he crouched down near where my hands were handcuffed. "The chain actually does look like it's close to breaking."

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