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Chapter One---Stars Only Shine in the Dark---Eyeless Jack X Reader
(y/n)~your name (l/n)~last name (e/c)~eye color (h/c)~hair color (s/c)~skin color (f/c)~favorite color                         
(I do not own the picture above)
Chapter written on 26 Aug, 2019

"Start test number two," The voice stated through the loud intercom speaker. It seemed to echo loudly while bouncing off the walls with a force heavy enough to put the strongest people down on their knees. 

"Test two engaged," A second voice said as the sound of a button was heard before a loud zap! followed by the sizzling of electricity and then...the screaming of a human being in pure agony and pain.

You twisted in your restraints against the cold metal chair, trying to escape from the fierce pain surging through your entire body. Light flashed in front of your (e/c) eyes just before all the energy and electricity started to stream through you with a burning sensation. You opened your mouth in a feeble attempt to scream but nothing came out as your throat was fried dry from the power the engineers had injected into you.

"Test two completed. Subject still responsive."

Your lips were dry and parched, but when you tried to lick them your tongue was too swollen to even move. You lifted your head to glare at the large glass window that you could see the shadows of multiple people. The pain was still passing in waves through your body, but you were used to it. The lights in the room became bright enough to the point where even though you had closed your lids over your (e/c) lids you could still see it.

The large metal door was slammed open as the usual team of men rushed in with their riot shields, ready for any sort of attack as two went towards you and started to undo the leather straps that held your arms, legs, and torso to the chair. Once the straps were gone, you immediately threw your arm, hitting one man in his mask and making him fall backward. The second tried to grab your arms, but you jumped up and kicked him in the side, stumbling away as your vision started to spin.

Shaking your head, you tried to make a run for the doorway, but three men charged you with their shields ready, smashing them into you and throwing you onto the floor. A loud squeak escaped your throat as your head hit the concrete floor hard enough that your vision started to leave.

While in your daze, the men had turned you over and secured heavy metal chains around your wrists and ankles before yanking you to your feet and shoving you towards the open doorway. You stumbled with your head down and throbbing along with every other part of your body. The only sounds were the clanking of the chains that held you and the footsteps of the men escorting you back to your cell.

One went ahead to open the door with his card and keypad, opening the solid door and waiting patiently for the others.

Three grabbed you and lifted you, carrying you inside the cell and to where the shackles that were bolted into the cinderblock walls hung menacingly, goading for your pain. You were shoved face-first into the wall as they undid your previous chains before they turned you around and locked you up to the wall. You stared at the ground as they exited, still not speaking or crying.

Only after the door had slammed shut and left you in silence and darkness did you shed your tears. Slumping down, you sat as low as the chains allowed, your butt barely touching the ground. You lifted your head to look at the scars on your hands that led down through your arms and into your torso. Even without having a mirror, you knew that your body was covered in the rare Lichtenberg figures.

Every day there was two 'test' that the glass men would run. No matter what, each day the second would be electrocution. The high amounts of electricity that had been forced into you had burned the lightning-like scars into your (s/c) skin. Today's first test had been an injection of multiple chemicals that you could not name, but only say that it was brutally painful. They had caused a burning sensation to course through your veins and to then be followed with a numb feeling. But not the comfortable numb, the kind of numb that one gets from extreme cold.

Your head drooped down so you were looking at your bent knees. Sighing loudly, you leaned against the wall to rest, your eyes slowly closing as exhaustion swamped over your weak body.

~Alright my lovely wolfies! This is the start of my new book, I hope y' all enjoyed reading and don't forget to come back for the next chapter! This book will be updated every Wednesday. Until next time, and stay foxie!

Stars Only Shine in the Dark ~Eyeless Jack X Reader~Where stories live. Discover now