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Chapter Eight---Stars Only Shine in the Dark---Eyeless Jack X Reader
(y/n)~your name (l/n)~last name (e/c)~eye color (h/c)~hair color (s/c)~skin color (f/c)~favorite color (I do not own the picture above)
Chapter written on 29 Oct, 2019

What is the point of this? What do they want from me? What is their goal?

There was muffled yelling outside the cell doorway that caused your entire body to shiver in a cold threat. You couldn't hear them, but Eyeless could. He was no longer sleeping but now standing against the wall, his face moving about in boredom. How you wondered what he was thinking. How you wanted oh-so-badly to talk to him, to feel like a normal human and to communicate. Just once.

But no, words are weapons, you thought. They are the only thing I have, I must save them

"At least go in and take some damn results!" A man yelled. 

The operator. He's the once who starts any and all experiments, who conducts the affairs of all the other men in the building. And he was standing. Right. In. The. Door. 

The cell door had been thrown open and a man stumbled in wearing a large white coat with random assortments either pinned onto it or utensils hanging from the pockets. His hair was black and sleeked so far back against his head that his forehead was stretched. He eyed Eyeless as he made his way slowly to you.

"Subject (l/n) 0001, how are you today?" He asked, holding up a clipboard that had shown up from nowhere.

You only stared at him in silence with a slight glare.

"Non-responsive," He mumbled. Sighing, he put the clipboard on the floor, "I've got to do a small examination, just for the research, so just say still and respond how you normally would for a yearly check, alright, 0001?"


But as soon as he pulled the sleeve down your arm, you felt fear. Pure, firey, fear that ran through your veins, making your heart pump like adrenaline was coursing through you. It was wrong. He shouldn't be allowed to do this. Sticking a needle into your wrist. You struggled against the chains, trying to pull away. He mumbled something and took the needle away before poking your neck. You squeaked in protest, not wanting to speak.

He poked and prodded for what seemed like hours. Never causing physical pain, only even more mental instability. Then he started touching. First grabbing your jaw and moving it, then examining your teeth. Next bening your wrist and elbows. Then your fingers, toes, feet, knees. You struggled from the unwanted contact.

"So, today we were supposed to get a shipment of your usual medication, but it came late, although I believe a runner is bringing some as we speak so you'll be feeling normal in no time," The man said, picking up the clipboard to write his notes.

Your breath was fast and short, causing your chest to rise and fall quickly. Eyeless seemed to be watching from his side of the room if he'd have eyes.

Then, the door opened loudly again, with the normal creak. A man walked in with a few bottles and...syringes. No.

"Here, doc, the meds." 

"Good, will you stay to restrain her? She's been putting up quite the fight." The coat-man said.

"Aye," The new man replied before grabbing you.

You tried pulling away. No. You'd been basically celebrating the fact that there were no chemicals burning their ways through your body, nothing to change the way you think or act. The doctor filled the syringe to the dosage point.

You pulled and tried to move away but the uniformed man held you back. The needle came closer.

"N-no!" You protested weakly, your throat dry and voice hoarse. The doctor froze for a millisecond before continuing and shoving the needle into your arm.

"Stop," You whispered, trying to yank your arm away. Before the liquid was pushed into your arm, a grey hand gripped the doctor's face, long nails digging into his skin.

He cried out as Eyeless yanked him away from you and started to do what he seemed to do best. Rip people apart. The uniformed man let go and turned to help him. But something took over you, possessed you to take the needle from your arm by bending the wrist at the shackle, and then, move as much as possible, to stab the man with it.

And into his neck, you shoved the liquid.

He screamed.

Stars Only Shine in the Dark ~Eyeless Jack X Reader~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt